How many warriors should be in a clan?

The best size is around eight members—don’t get too many people to join, because it could be hard to handle a larger group. If you are creating a Clan with your friends, make sure to have at least a leader, deputy, warriors, apprentices, and a medicine cat. You might also want some queens, elders, and kits.

How do you make a warrior cat clan indoors?

Just put a name then the suffix -clan (Example: FireClan). Also make sure that when you name your clan you name it based off of your territory or clan specialty. Find some friends to be in your clan. Find a few apprentices, warriors, kits, a medicine cat, deputy, and leader if you aren’t.

How do you make a warrior cat clan in Minecraft?

How do I make a clan? Find a good spot in Minecraft, such as a forest or Taiga. Then build some dens, a high rock, and add some vines. Can you be a cat and live with other cats in the clan?

What are the 4 warrior clans?

In the Warriors universe, the characters in the five warrior Clans (ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan) have names composed of two parts.

What is the best Clan in warriors?

Strongest Clan?

  • ThunderClan (they are powerful and brave)
  • ShadowClan (they are cunning and vicious)
  • SkyClan (that high jumping ability must be useful somehow)
  • RiverClan (they are sometimes a little too well fed which would make them slower)
  • WindClan (they got wrecked way too many times)

How do you get a den in warrior cats?

Make it 3 pillows long and 3 pillows wide. Now add the nests in columns or just next to each other. Put blankets next to the nests to cover the nest from the person next to them and pet a blanket on top of the den. Make the warriors den.

How do you make a warrior cat territory?

You should add a leader’s den, a medicine den, a warriors’ den, an apprentices’ den, and elders’ den, and a nursery. Make names for specific places. Like Sunningrocks, Snakerocks, the Carrionplace, and the Owl Tree, you should have specific names for places that stand out. Try creating a backstory to if too.

Which Warriors Clan is the strongest?

What Clan is Bluestar?

Bluestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest territories. She was a proud and deeply committed leader. Bluekit was born to Moonflower and Stormtail alongside her sister, Snowkit. She was apprenticed early as Bluepaw with her mentor being Stonepelt.