What does Kemo Kemo mean in Japanese?

English Voice Kemokemo (ケモケモ Kemokemo) is a creature found by Natsu Dragneel, who happens to be a god of a certain island.

Who is stronger Fairy Tail or Sabertooth?

Sabertooth’s strength in comparison to Fairy Tail is less, as was discovered during the Grand Magic Games. Minerva, who is lauded as the strongest of the S-Class Mages in Sabertooth was soundly defeated by Fairy Tail’s Erza Scarlet, in a battle that overwhelmingly favored Minerva.

Is yukino Mirajanes sister?

People might notice that Yukino bears no small amount of resemblance to another white-haired woman in the series. She strongly resembles Lisanna Strauss, the member of the Strauss family that was missing for the first part of Fairy Tail. It’s something that her older sister Mirajane actually points out later on.

Who is the number 1 guild in Fairy Tail?

In the time skip between Tenrou Island and the Eclipse arc, Sabertooth quickly rose up the power rankings in Fiore and become the undisputed most powerful guild in the country. They’re a team that has everything. They’ve got a Celestial Mage in Yukino. They’ve got Minerva, a woman who can manipulate space in her sight.

How did Natsu get the scar on his face?

He later attains a new scar, this one being a jagged blemish on his right cheek, which he gained following his battle with Zeref.

Who killed Sabertooth guild master?

6 PREVIOUS MASTER WAS DEFEATED Sabertooth was originally lead by Jiemma, a large man who looked like Fairy Tail’s version of the Street Fighter character Akuma. Jiemma chose to rule over Sabertooth rather than lead them, however, and eventually lost in a fight against Sting after angering the young Dragon Slayer.

Are Sabertooths extinct?

ExtinctSaber-toothed tiger / Extinction status

Who is Yukino’s sister fairy tail?

According to what she told Lucy, Yukino once had a family consisting of her parents and an older sister, Sorano.

Who becomes the S-Class wizard?

Erza Scarlet is the youngest to ever become an S-Class Mage, having triumphed in the trials at 15.

Is Natsu a dragon?

Being a Dragon Slayer, Natsu possesses the same abilities as his foster father, the dragon Igneel, namely the ability to consume and envelop himself in fire.