Can you swap EFI to Carb?

Due to the fact that the E.F.I. distributor has no advance you will need the above distributor when switching to a carburetor. You will also need a new fuel delivery system (you can just install a pressure regulator or you can get a new low pressure pump).

What’s better TBI or carb?

So most TBI systems can tolerate radical cams with durations up to about 250° with much more finesse than a carburetor. The engine will run smoother, idle better, start easier and provide better throttle response and cold driveability with TBI than a carburetor.

Can you carb swap an LS?

Thanks to a new array of parts from Holley and its subsidiary companies, swapping in a carb-equipped LS is easier than ever. We decided to follow along, and see exactly what goes into doing this swap. It was pretty eye opening, and once you read through, it might make you reconsider your next build.

Which gives more mileage carburetor or fuel injection?

Since the 1980s developments in the world of engines has yielded fuel injection systems that are more efficient in burning fuel in the cylinder than good old carburettors.

Which is better carburetor or EFI?

Warren Johnson: Properly tuned, carburetors make more peak power than EFI in a Pro Stock engine. A carb’s pressure differential atomizes the gas a lot better than spraying fuel through an orifice. But EFI has a broader powerband and superior cylinder-to-cylinder fuel distribution.

Is EFI better than carburetor?


just to clarify, TBI is EFI. efi stands for electronic fuel injection, which TBI most definantly is. most TBI trucks even had an EFI badge on the tailgate…. basically the difference between TBI and other injection methods comes down to placement and number/size of the injectors, as well as firing method/timing.

Are carbureted LS worth it?

“The reasons why a carb on an LS makes sense are pretty simple. In LS swaps or street/strip/race cars, a carbureted LS is simple, cheaper, and often can make more top-end power than EFI.” While LSX works to reassure builders, a carbureted LS is something that tends to bring some controversy.