What happens if you get caught ding dong ditching?

Violation of this statute is a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail, a $1,000 fine, and one year of probation. Therefore, the first time someone is caught in the act of ding dong ditching, they will receive a warning.

What can cops do about ding dong ditching?

What can cops do about ding dong ditching. If the victim of a ding dong ditching calls the police on you, you may be arrested or let off with a warning. If the ding dong ditching circumstances are severe, such as damage to property, you may be arrested and charged with trespassing and mischief.

What can you do with a ding dong ditch?

Ding-dong ditch, also known as knock-down ginger, can be a fun way to spend an evening. The idea is simple: ring somebody’s doorbell, and then run or hide before they open the door. When the person opens the door, expecting to see a visitor, they will be puzzled to find the porch empty.

What’s another name for ding dong ditch?

knock knock ginger
The classic practical joke of ding dong ditch is known by many names around the word: knock knock ginger in England, chicky melly in Scotland, knick knack in Ireland, and even nicky nicky nine doors in Canada. Whatever the name, the game is the same. Step 1: the prankster runs up to a door.

Is Ding Dong Ditch considered harassment?

Ding Dong Ditch is a game where a person rings a homeowner’s doorbell then runs away. Although this is considered a game, it is trespassing and harassment.

Why is it called Knock Knock Ginger?

It involves knocking on the front door (or ringing the doorbell) of a victim, then running away before the door can be answered. The name knock down ginger or knocky door ginger, used in Britain, comes from a British poem: Ginger, Ginger broke a winder. Hit the winda – crack!

Why was it called knock down ginger?

Is ding dong ditching illegal UK?

Legality. Victims of this prank are not likely to call the police, but if they decide to, the prankster can face charges of trespassing and disturbing the peace. In England and Wales, trespassing is a civil matter rather than a criminal one, and the police will not compile a case for a victim.

Is it trespassing to ring a doorbell?

Trespassing: Unlawful entry upon private property. A path extending from a sidewalk to the door of a home or business is, again, implied to be used by the public. While approaching a home, the expectation is that you knock on the front door or ring the doorbell. When entering a business, the guidelines are the same.

Is it illegal to ding dong ditch in Kentucky?

Ding Dong Ditch is a game where a person rings a homeowner’s doorbell then runs away. Although this is considered a game, it is trespassing and harassment. And citizens who are on the receiving end of Ding Dong Ditch are tense and aggravated from having to answer the door.

What does Nicky Nine door mean?

/ (ˈnɪkɪ) / noun. Canadian informal the practice of knocking on a door or ringing a doorbell and running away before it is answered.

Is it illegal to play knock down ginger?

Knock Down Ginger is a childhood game which pretty much everyone views as harmless. Right? However, what many people probably don’t know is knocking on someone’s door and running away is actually illegal. Meaning you could be arrested under the 1839 law (yes, really).