How many merit badges are there in the Boy Scouts?

You can learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers as you earn merit badges. There are more than 135 merit badges, and any Scout, or any qualified Venturer or Sea Scout may earn any of these at any time.

What is the hardest merit badge in Boy Scouts?

Personal Management* Creating a budget and thinking deliberately about money aren’t normal behaviors for teenagers. That’s exactly why this merit badge is so critically important. Because this skill isn’t covered elsewhere, this merit badge is often cited by Scouts as one of the toughest.

How many merit badges does it take to become an Eagle Scout?

21 merit badges
A total of 21 merit badges (10 more than required for the Life rank) must be earned for the Eagle Scout rank, including these 13 merit badges: (a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency …

What is the most popular merit badge?

Family Life
We can also learn a lot from which merit badges saw the biggest jumps in popularity from 2019 to 2020….The complete 2020 rankings.

Rank Merit Badge Earned
1 Family Life 48,408
2 Citizenship in the Nation 43,247
3 Citizenship in the World 42,738
4 Citizenship in the Community 41,987

What is the most fun merit badge?

7 Fun and Interesting Merit Badges To Earn At Home Or By Yourself

  • Traffic Safety.
  • Coin Collecting.
  • Digital Technology.
  • Salesmanship.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Exploration.
  • Geneology.

Has anyone earned all merit badges?

There have been 474 confirmed Boy Scouts who have earned all the merit badges.