Can a subreddit shadowban you?

If you’ve ever posted on a subreddit and gotten zero replies/votes, it’s worth going into incognito mode and trying to view your comment from there. Chances are, your account is shadowbanned in that subreddit. Yeah, that’s how all comment removals on reddit work though (which, you’re right, many users don’t realize).

Why did I get shadowbanned on Reddit?

Reddit frowns upon users who use their secondary accounts to upvote their posts. Doing this is likely to get you banned. Reddit bans this activity because they’re trying to lock out spammers. If you’re going to upvote, ensure that you aren’t violating any Reddit rules.

How do you know if you are shadowbanned on Reddit?

  1. Shadowbanning on Reddit refers to the state where you can’t create new posts and comments on the platform.
  2. Open your Reddit post, click on the Share button, and choose “Copy Link” to copy the post’s link.
  3. If you can see the post’s title and body in incognito mode, you can rest assured that you are not shadowbanned.

How do I get out of shadowban on Reddit?

This message should include a few very important things. First; your shadowbanned username….

  1. Message Admins asking why you were shadowbanned (politely)
  2. Use post/messages/comments in question to prove innocence.
  3. Keep messaging the Admins, no more than once a day.

Is Reddit shadowban permanent?

Permanent unless you successfully appealed to the admins. The only thing that you can is send them a message.

How long does a shadowban last for?

How long does a shadowban on Instagram last? Users report that Instagram shadowban can last anywhere from 14 to 30 days.

Is Reddit Shadowban permanent?

Does Reddit ban IP?

Public libraries and other public WiFi will be practically banned from all of Reddit. I don’t know how it goes for American operators, but here in Brazil your IP address lasts for as long as a plastic bag. Maintenance shuffles your IP, on and off shuffles your IP, anyway… It’s common practice.

How do I get UN shadowbanned?

How to Remove an Instagram Shadowban

  1. Stop Any Activity That Goes Against Terms of Service.
  2. Revoke Permissions For Any Unapproved Third-Party Apps.
  3. Avoid Using Banned or Restricted Hashtags.
  4. Reach Out to Instagram Support.
  5. Don’t Act Like a Bot.
  6. Avoid Getting Reported.
  7. Take a Break From Instagram.

How long is a Reddit suspension?

Suspensions can be permanent or temporary, with users told how long they won’t be able to post to Reddit (most bans will last about three to five days). Suspended users can’t post, vote, comment, or send private messages.

How long does a Reddit appeal take?

How long does the process usually take? Five-and-a-half-days!

How do I get Unshadowbanned?

You should delete content that goes against the rules and community guidelines laid down by TikTok. After deleting inappropriate content, you have to wait for at least two weeks to get the shadowban lifted. You can refresh your device once in a while to check if you have finally managed to lift the ban.