How much do King County employees make?

King County Jobs by Salary

Job Title Range Average
Government Program Manager Range:$56k – $103k (Estimated *) Average:$77,062
Civil Engineer Range:$55k – $124k (Estimated *) Average:$82,390
Legislative Aide Range:$43k – $72k (Estimated *) Average:$52,496
Mental Health Therapist Range:$40k – $61k (Estimated *) Average:$49,525

How much does the King County Sheriff make?

King County Sheriff Salaries

Job Title Salary
Deputy Sheriff salaries – 7 salaries reported $49,459/yr
Deputy salaries – 2 salaries reported $55,713/yr
Law Enforcement salaries – 1 salaries reported $54,477/yr
Communications Specialist salaries – 1 salaries reported $57,695/yr

How much do a US city council members make?

Salary Ranges for City Council Members The salaries of City Council Members in the US range from $16,950 to $91,960 , with a median salary of $20,500 . The middle 60% of City Council Members makes $20,500, with the top 80% making $91,960.

Who is the highest-paid state employee in Washington?

No jab, no job: WSU football coach Nick Rolovich, Washington state’s highest-paid employee, is fired. SEATTLE — Nick Rolovich came to Washington State as a fun-loving coach, known nationally for his off-the-wall antics and an ability to win.

What is minimum wage in King County?

In 2022, the minimum wage in Washington is $14.49 per hour. Each year, L&I is required to make a cost-of-living adjustment to the minimum wage based on the CPI-W….History of Minimum Wage in Washington State.

Effective date Minimum wage per hour
January 1, 2022 $14.49
January 1, 2021 $13.69
January 1, 2020 $13.50

Who is in charge of King County?

Dow Constantine
The King County Executive is the highest elected official representing the government of King County, Washington….

King County Executive
Incumbent Dow Constantine since November 24, 2009
Appointer Electorate Metropolitan King County Council (unexpired terms)
Term length 4 years

How much does a King County deputy make?

The 2020 salary range for deputies is $71,363.56 – $99,923.87 annually based on a six-step system (initial hire rate + five increases based on hire date). These are the base rates for which premiums for education, longevity, and specialty assignments are awarded. Cost of living increases are made annually.

How much do sheriff deputies make in Washington state?

The average salary for a deputy sheriff is $63,803 per year in Washington State. 11 salaries reported, updated at May 18, 2022.

How much do Seattle City Council members make?

As of April 2018, salaries of councilmembers are authorized to be $62.11 per hour, an increase of 5% from 2017. This is equivalent to an annualized pay of $129,685.68. As of 2021, salaries of district councilmembers are authorized to be $65.32 per hour. Annually, councilmembers make as much as $140,000.

Do local council members get paid?

Local councillors are paid an annual fee to perform their civic duties and are also reimbursed for relevant expenses.

What state is the highest paid for teachers?

Detailed List Of Teacher Salaries By State

Rank State Cost Of Living
1 Washington 105.2
2 Georgia 91.4
3 Ohio 93.8
4 Virginia 100.8

How much do Wa state employees make?

Washington State Employees

Year Employer Annual Wages
2019 Washington State University $670,000.00
2020 University of Washington $662,300.00
2017 Washington State University $659,000.00
2018 Washington State Investment Board $657,300.00