What is vitreous retinal disease?

Vitreoretinal diseases are conditions that affect structures in the eye called the retina and the vitreous. The retina is the light-sensitive layer in the back of the eye that focuses images and transmits that information to the brain via the optic nerve.

Is fluorescein angiography painful?

Extravasation (the dye is forced from the blood vessel into surrounding tissue) of fluorescein dye during the injection can be a serious complication of angiography and can be quite painful due to the pH.

How long does it take to recover from vitreous hemorrhage?

Vitreous hemorrhage treatment Reabsorption occurs at a rate of 1% per day and may take two to three months to completely clear. Your eye doctor may suggest you sleep at a 45-degree angle and monitor all signs and symptoms in case the bleeding intensifies.

What is fluorescein used to diagnose?

Your doctor may recommend a fluorescein angiography to determine if the blood vessels in the back of your eye are getting adequate blood flow. It can also be used to help your doctor diagnose eye disorders, such as macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy.

What causes vitreous degeneration?

Vitreous degeneration can be caused by several factors, including: Advancing age as the most common cause. Intermediate and posterior uveitis which are the inflammation in the anterior vitreous, ciliary body and retina due to a variety of conditions, including certain infections, autoimmune disease, or tumor.

How long does it take to recover from vitrectomy surgery?

After the surgery, your eye may be swollen, red, or tender for several weeks. You might have some pain in your eye and your vision may be blurry for a few days after the surgery. You will need 2 to 4 weeks to recover before you can do your normal activities again.

What are the side effects of fluorescein?

Side Effects

  • Bluish color.
  • cold, clammy skin.
  • difficulty breathing.
  • difficulty swallowing.
  • fast heartbeat.
  • hives, itching, or skin rash.
  • lightheadedness.
  • noisy breathing.

Which is the most common side effect complication of fluorescein dye?

Risks and Contraindications The most common reactions associated with the fluorescein dye are nausea, vomiting, or hives. 3 Some people may also experience dry mouth, a metallic taste in the mouth, increased salivation (saliva overproduction), sneezing, or an increased heart rate.

Can you go blind from vitreous hemorrhage?

A vitreous haemorrhage can be severe and result in legal blindness, or it may be mild and result only in annoying black floaters. The severity of visual loss is related to the density of the haemorrhage and the underlying cause for the bleeding.

How serious is a vitreous hemorrhage?

Having blood in the vitreous gel can keep light from reaching your retina. This causes vision problems. If the bleeding is severe, it can cause vision loss.

What does fluorescein stain in the eye?

This is a test that uses orange dye (fluorescein) and a blue light to detect foreign bodies in the eye. This test can also detect damage to the cornea. The cornea is the outer surface of the eye.

What symptoms might be present in someone with diabetic retinopathy?


  • Spots or dark strings floating in your vision (floaters)
  • Blurred vision.
  • Fluctuating vision.
  • Dark or empty areas in your vision.
  • Vision loss.