What was done in Ganga Action Plan?

The objective, at the time of launching the Ganga Action Plan in 1985, was to improve the water quality of Ganga to acceptable standards by preventing the pollution load from reaching the river. The Ganga Action Plan gave importance to abate pollution and improve water quality.

What is the conclusion of Ganga Action Plan?

1986 with the primary goal of contamination reduction, to improve the water quality by Interception, Diversion and treatment of residential sewage and present harmful and mechanical compound squanders from distinguished horribly dirtying units entering in to the stream.

Is Ganga Action Plan success or failure?

One of the failures of the Ganga Action plan was that it was a completely bureaucratic exercise, top-down, end of the pipe interventions. Lack of data on the water use and wastewater generation ensured that the plans failed mierably.

What were the main reasons behind Ganga Action Plan?

Ganga Action Plan was launched by Rajiv Gandhi in India on January 14, 1986. The main aim of this plan was to protect the river Ganga from further more pollution. It was launched to improve the quality of water treatment of the sewage, interception and other methods, also to prevent the mixing of the industrial wastes.

What is the current status of Clean Ganga project?

Today, we have close to 350 projects of various types and about 160 are sewage treatment plants. All the projects in Uttarakhand and Jharkhand are complete; 60% of the projects are complete in U.P.

Who started Ganga Action Plan?

Shri Rajeev Gandhi
The Ganga action plan was, launched by Shri Rajeev Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India on 14 Jan.

Who started the clean Ganga mission?

Union Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley announced the implementation of Namami Gange on 10 July 2014. This programme was established as a conservation mission with a budget of Rs. 20,000 crore. Namami Gange aims at reducing the pollution of the river Ganga along with the conservation and rejuvenation of the river banks.

What is the new name of Ganga Action Plan?

‘Namami Gange Programme’, is an Integrated Conservation Mission, approved as ‘Flagship Programme’ by the Union Government in June 2014 with budget outlay of Rs. 20,000 Crore to accomplish the twin objectives of effective abatement of pollution, conservation and rejuvenation of National River Ganga.

When was Ganga Action Plan start?

POLLUTION ABATEMENT IN RIVERS The works of started with the launching of the Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Phase-I in the year 1985. Subsequently, GAP Phase-II was initiated which included the works on the major tributaries of the river Ganga, namely, Yamuna, Gomti and Damodar.

When was Ganga cleanliness plan started?

Cleaning of Ganga was initiated in 1985 under Ganga Action Plan (GAP). Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Phase-I was launched as a centrally funded scheme in 1985 and later GAP Phase-II was initiated in 1993.

What is the old name of river Ganga?

The Ganges River originates in the Himalaya Mountains at Gomukh, the terminus of the Gongotri Glacier. When the ice of this glacier melts, it forms the clear waters of the Bhagirathi River. As the Bhagirathi River flows down the Himalayas, it joins the Alaknanda River, officially forming the Ganges River.

Who prepared the Ganga Action Plan?

the Ministry of Environment and Forests
A Consortium of 7 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) has been given the responsibility of preparing Ganga River Basin Environment Management Plan (GRB EMP) by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), GOI, New Delhi.