How do I turn off the alarm on my kids watch?

In Normal Time Mode, hold the RESET button while pressing the START button to toggle the Alarm icon on and off. In Normal Time Mode, hold the RESET button while pressing the MODE button to toggle the hourly chime on and off.

How do you turn off a watch alarm?

The following 2 steps to turn off the alarm on your digital watch:

  1. Press the ‘Mode’ button until you get to the alarm settings.
  2. Once you see the time you have set for your alarm on the display, press and hold the ‘Mode’ button for a few seconds until the bell symbols at the top of the display disappear completely.

Can you turn off the alarm on a Baby G Watch?

Still, turning off the alarm for the majority of Baby G watches will follow the process outlined here. Some watches have multiple alarms and the process is the same for turning off multiple alarms. There are currently 29 Baby G model watches offered by the company. The watches feature a stopwatch, timer, light and are water resistant.

How do I Find my Style number on my Armitron watch?

On the back of your Armitron watch, please look for your 6-digit style number. The style number should begin with either two numbers or two letters followed by a forward slash and 4 numbers. If you have trouble locating your style #, please contact customer support for further assisstance.

How do I Turn on/off the alarm on my watch?

Press the button on the top left of the watch. This will make it enter alarm mode. Press the bottom right button on the watch to turn on and off the alarm. Press the bottom right button until this message is displayed; “SIG ALM”. Now both the hourly beep and the alarm are off. Press…

How many Baby G model watches are there?

There are currently 29 Baby G model watches offered by the company. The watches feature a stopwatch, timer, light and are water resistant. Press the button on the top left of the watch.