Why is testing on animals good?
Why is testing on animals good?
They not only identify potential safety concerns, but also determine the doses which will be given to volunteers and patients during the first human trials. Testing on animals also serves to protect consumers, workers and the environment from the harmful effects of chemicals.
Should we use animals for testing?
The use of animals in research is essential for enabling researchers to develop new drugs and treatments. The use of animals in the lab has dramatically improved scientists’ understanding of human biology and health. Animal models help ensure the effectiveness and safety of new treatments.
How does animal testing save lives?
Animal Testing and Research Achievements Studies with monkeys, dogs, and mice led to the polio vaccine. Drugs used to combat cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, hepatitis, and malaria would not have been possible without research with primates.
How does animal testing affect animals?
Animals endure chemicals being dripped into their eyes, injected into their bodies, forced up their nostrils or forced down their throats. They are addicted to drugs, forced to inhale/ingest toxic substances, subjected to maternal deprivation, deafened, blinded, burned, stapled, and infected with disease viruses.
How does animal testing improve human health?
Surgical procedures, pain relievers, psychoactive drugs, medications for blood pressure, insulin, pacemakers, nutrition supplements, organ transplants, treatments for shock trauma and blood diseases—all have been developed and tested in animals before being used in humans.
What diseases does animal testing help?
Research in cows helped create the world’s first vaccine, which in turn helped end smallpox. Studies with monkeys, dogs, and mice led to the polio vaccine. Drugs used to combat cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, hepatitis, and malaria would not have been possible without research with primates.
What good has animal testing?
How can animal testing save lives?
How does studying animals help humans?
studying animal models of normal or abnormal human function, studying normal function in animals, and improving our knowledge of how contact with companion animals can help people to stay well or recover from illnesses or injuries (therapeutic support from animals).