What is the purpose of Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix?
What is the purpose of Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix?
The multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) matrix is an approach to examining construct validity developed by Campbell and Fiske (1959). It organizes convergent and discriminant validity evidence for comparison of how a measure relates to other measures.
What information is included on a Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix?
The multitrait–multimethod (MTMM) matrix contains the correlations between variables when each variable represents a trait–method unit, that is, the measurement of a trait (e.g., extroversion, neuroticism) by a specific method (e.g., self-report, peer report).
What is a Multitrait analysis?
The multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) analysis procedure is a powerful measurement design in construct validation research. It offers an uncompromising perspective on the meaning of theoretical variables that require indirect measurement.
What is convergent validity example?
Example of convergent validity A group of employees takes a series of five assessments, all of which are designed to test their abilities as salespeople through different types of questions. To establish the convergent validity of each assessment, the results are compared with those of the other assessments.
What type of validity uses a Multitrait Multimethod matrix technique?
The multitrait-multimethod matrix (MTMM), developed by Campbell and Fiske (1959) is a method for assessing construct validity, in particular, convergent validity and discriminant validity. The method requires the researcher to measure a set of traits using multiple methods in one study.
Why are Campbell and Fiske 1959 considered important in psychological measurement?
Campbell and Fiske (1959) provided important insights into the nature of validation procedures. In particular, they proposed the multitrait-mul- timethod matrix (MTMM matrix) as a way to assess convergent and discriminant validity as well as to estimate the effect of method variance on validity assessments.
What is Mtag analysis?
Discussion. We have introduced MTAG, a method for conducting meta-analysis of GWAS summary statistics for different traits that is robust to sample overlap. Both our theoretical and empirical results confirm that MTAG can increase the statistical power to identify trait-specific genetic associations.
What is difference of convergent and divergent validity?
Convergent Validity – When two similar questions reveal the same result. Divergent Validity – When two opposite questions reveal opposite results.
What is the difference between convergent validity and divergent validity?
Convergent validity tests that constructs that are expected to be related are, in fact, related. Discriminant validity (or divergent validity) tests that constructs that should have no relationship do, in fact, not have any relationship.
What was Cronbach’s 1989 advice about construct validation?
What was Cronbach’s (1989) advice about construct validation? – Validation is a risky process likely to bring the young researcher to ruin.
What types of correlations could provide discriminant evidence of validity?
Discriminant validity is provided by both heterotrait-heteromethod correlations and heterotrait-monomethod correlations.
What is discriminant validity in psychology?
the degree to which a test or measure diverges from (i.e., does not correlate with) another measure whose underlying construct is conceptually unrelated to it. This is one of two aspects of construct validity, the other being convergent validity. Also called divergent validity.