Which YouTube channel is best for chemistry?

11 Best Chemistry Channels On YouTube

  • Periodic Videos. 1.56M subscribers.
  • Chemistry at The University of Manchester. 1.97K subscribers.
  • LearnChemE. 151K subscribers.
  • Tyler DeWitt. 1.23M subscribers.
  • chemistNATE. 220K subscribers.
  • American Chemical Society. 45.3K subscribers.
  • Chemical & Engineering News.
  • Chemical bouillon.

How can I memorize chemistry fast?

Below we’ll explore proven strategies and techniques that will, if applied, improve your ability to study and learn chemistry.

  1. Review and Study Material Before Going to Class.
  2. Seek Understanding.
  3. Take Good Notes.
  4. Practice Daily.
  5. Take Advantage of Lab Time.
  6. Use Flashcards.
  7. Use Study Groups.
  8. Break Large Tasks Into Smaller Ones.

Who is the best chemistry teacher on YouTube?

Best Chemistry Teachers On YouTube

  • Vani Ma’am – Wold Of Chemistry.
  • Pahul Sir – Vedantu JEE.
  • Alakh Pandey – Physics Wallah.
  • Mrityunjay Pandey – Gravity Circle.
  • Monica Bedi – Unacademy Class.
  • Roshni Mukherjee – LearnoHub – Class 11, 12.

How can I pass my exam in one night?

Top tips to prepare for exams

  1. Use your moments wisely. The few minutes before you switch off the light is a fantastic time for memorisation.
  2. Eat a great meal. Make a special effort to cook yourself a decent meal.
  3. Laugh.
  4. Make sure you wake up.
  5. Know when to stop.
  6. Use the space.
  7. Don’t drink too much.
  8. Do what works for you.

Is physics wallah good for chemistry?

Answer. Hello, Physicswallah is a good channel for physics and chemistry for neet.

Who is the best teacher on YouTube?

Inspiring Educators: 15 Teacher Vloggers to Follow on YouTube

  • Pocketful of Primary by Michelle Ferre.
  • The Kinderhearted Classroom with Elizabeth Coller.
  • Teacher Tech by Alice Keeler.
  • Smartie Style by La Tawnya Robinson.
  • FriEdTechnology by Amy Mayer.
  • Teacher Cast Network by Jeffrey Bradbury.
  • Early EDventures by Shelley Coates.

How is Vishal Tiwari Sir for chemistry?

ABOUT VISHAL TIWARI SIR He is one of the top Chemistry Faculty for NEET in India. He is well known for his outstanding Chemistry lecture, which gives a direct feel to the subject.

How do I study at night?

Best 10 ways to study late at night

  1. Bite right. Okay, this is important.
  2. Break right. Continuous studying through the night isn’t going to do you much good.
  3. Stay well away from the bed.
  4. Avoid heavy dinners.
  5. Switch off the electronics.
  6. Set regular alarms.
  7. Write as you read.
  8. Keep moving.

How can I study at night without sleep?

If simply staying awake while studying seems harder than quantum physics, try one of the following nine strategies to help you be alert and focused.

  1. Keep moving.
  2. Let there be light.
  3. Sit upright.
  4. Avoid your bedroom.
  5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
  6. Don’t forget to eat (healthy)
  7. Make studying active.
  8. Study with friends.