Where do I start the Swift flight Form quest?

The Swift Flight Form quest chain requires Artisan Riding to be trained as a prerequisite. To start the chain, talk to any Druid class trainer after training Artisan Riding, and accept the quest Morthis Whisperwing.

Can you still get swift flight form?

Prior to Patch 4.0. 1, players could still complete the Swift Flight Form quest chain to gain this ability, but this was removed later and is unobtainable.

What phase does Swift flight Form come out?

On the Patch 2.5. 2 PTR for Burning Crusade Classic, the Druid Swift Flight Form Quest Chain is available for testing. To begin the quest chain, the Druid needs to be level 70 with 300 Riding Trained.

Is druid Swift flight form free?

Swift Flight Form requires Epic Flying (Artisan Riding) before being able to undergo the quest for it. That requires full price but you can get in the air faster and much cheaper as a Druid with normal Flight Form.

Where do I start the epic flight quest?

This quest can be initiated by talking to any Druid class trainer once you’ve paid 5000 gold to have Artisan Riding Skill. It will send you to go talk to Morthis Winterspring in the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.

How much does flight form cost in TBC?

Instead of buying flight training, Druids train Flight Form (equivalent to a normal flying mount) as a spell at level 70 for the cost of 8 gold and 60 silver.

Can you get flying at 68 TBC?

Flight Form can be trained at any Druid class trainer as soon as you hit Level 68. The training cost is 8 60, and the only prerequisite is that you have already trained Journeyman Riding, the skill level required to ride Epic ground mounts.

What phase is Swift flight Form TBC?

In Phase 2 of Burning Crusade Classic, Swift Flight Form and Idol of the Raven Goddess becomes available to Druids through a lengthy quest chain. The Druid will need to be level 70 and have Artisan Riding before starting the Quest chain.

Can you skin in flight form TBC?

You can skin, and yes it even has it’s own skinning animation :), as well as prospecting ore and disenchanting items. No other professions can be done while in form nor can you pick up quest items (such as those found under dirt mounds etc). You cannot collect herbs while in Flight Form.