Is Plow and Hearth a real company?

Plow & Hearth is a scam.

Are Plow and Hearth Products Made in USA?

We feature many products made in the USA, and our buyers search around the globe to bring our customers quality items, some handmade, at affordable prices. Plow & Hearth has earned a reputation for quality products and exceptional customer service.

Is Plow and Hearth an American company?

Plow & Hearth is a United States retailer based in Madison, Virginia, specializing in hearth and fireplace accessories, furniture and home furnishings, and lawn and garden accessories. The company was established in 1980. Its headquarters is on a 38-acre (150,000 m2) site in Madison, Virginia.

Who bought Plow and Hearth?

Qiu’s Evergreen Enterprises Inc., through its affiliate PH International LLC, is buying Plow & Hearth and its brands for $17 million from Inc. The purchase includes Plow & Hearth and its brands Problem Solvers, Wind and Weather, Hearth Song and Magic Cabin.

Are wind and Weather and Plow and Hearth the same company?

Also in 2005, the company acquired Wind & Weather®, a direct marketer of weather-related instruments, gifts and home and garden accents. Like Plow & Hearth, the company markets primarily through catalogs and websites and has attracted a loyal customer base.

Is wind and Weather owned by Plow and Hearth?

Welcome to Wind & Weather’s web site, WINDWEATHER.COM. We are part of Plow & Hearth, LLC which also includes Plow & Hearth, Wind & Weather, Problem Solvers and HearthSong.

Where is Plow and Hearth headquarters?

Madison, VAPlow & Hearth / Headquarters

Is wind and Weather and Plow and Hearth the same company?

Are Plow & Hearth and Wind & Weather the same company?

Are wind and weather and Plow and Hearth the same company?

Who is the CEO of Plow and Hearth?

Ting Xu
CEO/Co-Owner, Plow & Hearth LLC.

Does Plow and Hearth have free shipping?

A: FREE SHIP-TO-STORE SERVICE lets you place an order on the Plow & Hearth web site, then pick it up at any Plow & Hearth store for FREE!