How do I activate voicemail on Asterisk?
How do I activate voicemail on Asterisk?
Use the 200 extension you should call the 100 extension and leave a message. Use the 100 extension and call the 500 extension to access the Voicemail menu. After entering the 777 password you will be able to hear the voicemail.
How do you write an Asterisk Dialplan?
The Asterisk dialplan is found in the extensions. conf file in the configuration directory, typically /etc/asterisk. If you modify the dialplan, you can use the Asterisk CLI command “dialplan reload” to load the new dialplan without disrupting service in your PBX.
Which of the following is a codec that Asterisk can natively use to record voicemail messages?
The default format string is wav49|gsm|wav, meaning that Asterisk will save the voicemail message in all three supported formats.
What are intra PBX calls?
An IP PBX is a private branch exchange (telephone switching system within an enterprise) that switches calls between VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol or IP) users on local lines while allowing all users to share a certain number of external phone lines.
Where are FreePBX voicemails?
The files live in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/EXTENSION/unavail. wav on the server. If you do edit them directly, please be sure to put proper owner/group/permissions on it.
How do I check my FreePBX voicemail remotely?
Just tell your users to dial in to the IVR and press X while it is speaking. Then follow the prompts. Press * when listening to your greeting, then enter your password. That does have to be enabled in the Voicemail tab for the extension.
Is Asterisk still used?
Today, there are more than one million Asterisk-based communications systems in use, in more than 170 countries. Asterisk is used by almost the entire Fortune 1000 list of customers.
How do you add a user to Asterisk?
How to create AMI User
- Configure the manager. conf file. For starters you should connect to Asterisk server via SSH-protocol and execute the following actions.
- Create an AMI User in FreePBX. In the upper navigation bar choose Settings and press Asterisk Manager Users. To add a new user click on Add Manager button.
Where do I find dialplan in asterisk?
Dialplan Syntax. The Asterisk dialplan is specified in the configuration file named extensions.conf. The extensions.conf file usually resides in the /etc/asterisk/ directory, but its location may vary depending on how you installed Asterisk. Other common locations for this file include /usr/local/etc/asterisk/ and /opt/etc/asterisk/.
What happens if I don’t tell asterisk what to do?
In Asterisk, the opposite is true. If you do not tell Asterisk how to handle every situation, and it comes across something it cannot handle, the call will typically be disconnected. We’ll cover some best practices later that will help ensure this does not happen.
How does asterisk select the best audio file?
[59] Asterisk selects the best file based on translation cost—that is, it selects the file that is the least CPU-intensive to convert to its native audio format. When you start Asterisk, it calculates the translation costs between the different audio formats (they often vary from system to system).
What are dialplans and contexts?
Dialplans are broken into sections called contexts. Contexts keep different parts of the dialplan from interacting with one another. An extension that is defined in one context is completely isolated from extensions in any other context, unless interaction is specifically allowed.