What is total circulation of a magazine?
What is total circulation of a magazine?
Circulation is a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed. Circulation audits are provided by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC). Readership is an estimate of how many readers a publication has.
How many magazines are printed each year?
2002 to 2020. There were 7,416 print consumer magazines in the United States in 2020, up from 7,357 in the previous year.
How do magazines get their statistics?
The most commonly agreed upon source for magazine distribution figures is the independent Alliance for Audited Media, which represents both advertisers and publishers and reports print and digital circulation based on paid subscriptions and newsstand sales.
Why is circulation number different from readership numbers?
Readership is the number of people who read a newspaper or another publication. Circulation is the number of copies of the newspaper or publication distributed on an average date.
How do you calculate readership?
To calculate total readership, they simply multiply the average net circulation (average gross distribution less returns) by their readers per copy. It’s assumed that anyone picking up a copy of the publication reads or looks at it.
Are magazines a dying industry?
While it is true that some print media numbers have been down in recent years, there is no reason to panic; print is definitely not dead or even dying. There are many reasons why print is still alive and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
Are magazines in decline?
The U.S. consumer magazine industry shrunk by more than 20% in the past five years, due largely to print advertising declines, per PwC data. But the rate of decline is expected to slow slightly in the next five years, thanks to new efforts from online media companies to acquire and digitize traditional print brands.