What means m RC?

Definition. MRC. Monthly Recurring Charge. MRC. Memory Re-Call (calculator)

What does LGM stand for in military?

LGM. Ground Launched Missile (military missile designation)

What does cat stand for USAF?

CAT – Crisis Action Team.

What does VRC mean in text?


Acronym Definition
VRC View Reference Coordinate (computer system)
VRC Virtual Redundancy Check
VRC Variable Rate Coding
VRC Visitor Reception Center

What is MRC in military?

All Soldiers are assigned a Medical Readiness Classification (MRC) of 1 to 4. The class of MRC 4 consists of Soldiers whose medical and dental status is unknown. These Soldiers are therefore non-deployable.

What does LGM stand for in geography?

The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), also referred to as the Late Glacial Maximum, was the most recent time during the Last Glacial Period that ice sheets were at their greatest extent.

What does Ln mean in medical terms?

List of medical abbreviations: L

Abbreviation Meaning
LMP last menstrual period—first day of the menstrual period low malignant potential
LMWH low-molecular-weight heparin
LN lymph node Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)
LND lymph node dissection

What is the meaning of Cocc?

This POI covers subjects for the Cadet Officer Candidate Course (COCC) to be taken by aspiring cadets during the regular semesters. The course is divided into 2 phases, the academic and on-the-job phase.

What is CST stand for?

Central Standard Time
CST in American English abbreviation. Central Standard Time. Also: C.S.T., c.s.t.

What does the CRC stand for?

An error detection technique using a polynomial to generate a series of two 8-bit block check characters that represent the entire block of data. These block check characters are incorporated into the transmission frame and then checked at the receiving end.

Who is VRC?

Valuation Research Corporation (VRC) is a full-service, independent, global valuation firm focusing exclusively on valuations and advisory services. The result provides an accurate and customized view of the value of a business.
