What does hypertrophy mean in medical terms?

Definition of hypertrophy (Entry 1 of 2) 1 biology : excessive development of an organ or part specifically : increase in bulk (as by thickening of muscle fibers) without multiplication of parts cardiac hypertrophy. 2 : exaggerated growth or complexity economic hypertrophy.

What does chondral mean in medical terms?

Cartilage, or chondral, damage is known as a lesion and can range from a soft spot on the cartilage (Grade I lesion) or a small tear in the top layer to an extensive tear that extends all the way to the bone (Grade IV or “full-thickness” lesion).

What does cryo mean in medical terms?

Cryotherapy: Literally, “cold therapy.” Cryotherapy, sometimes referred to as cryosurgery, is a procedure used to destroy tissue of both benign and malignant lesions by the freezing and re-thawing process. Liquid nitrogen is the most commonly used freezing source for cryotherapy.

What does Clast mean in anatomy?

A suffix that indicates a cell that destroys or resorbs, e.g. osteoclast.

Is hypertrophy an inflammation?

Most research on muscle hypertrophy has focused on the responses of muscle cells to mechanical loading; however, a number of studies also suggest that inflammatory cells may influence muscle hypertrophy.

What causes hypertrophy?

Hypertrophy is defined as the increase in the size of cells, tissue, or organs in your body. Muscle hypertrophy can occur as a result of exercise, especially weight training exercise. Lifting weights and consistently (and safely) challenging muscle tissue can cause it to get bigger.

What is chondral damage to knee?

Chondral injuries of the knee are lesions of the articular cartilage of the knee joint. (The colloquial expression “cartilage damage” might also include meniscal tears, which is an altogether separate category of disease.)

What is chondral damage?

A chondral defect refers to a focal area of damage to the articular cartilage (the cartilage that lines the end of the bones). An osteochondral defect refers to a focal area of damage that involves both the cartilage and a piece of underlying bone.

What are the benefits of cryotherapy?

Benefits of cryotherapy

  • Reduces migraine symptoms.
  • Numbs nerve irritation.
  • Helps treat mood disorders.
  • Reduces arthritic pain.
  • May help treat low-risk tumors.
  • May help prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Treats atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions.

What is the meaning of cryo surgery?

: surgery in which diseased or abnormal tissue (as a tumor or wart) is destroyed or removed by freezing (as by the use of liquid nitrogen)

What does the root word clast mean?

something that breaks or destroys
something that breaks or destroys.

What is non clastic?

Non-clastic rocks are created when water evaporates or from the. remains of plants and animals. Limestone is a non-clastic sedimentary rock. Limestone is made of the mineral calcite. It often contains fossils.