What ways can effectively determine gender in French?

One easy way to keep up what you’ve learned about genders in French is to choose a word, guess if it’s masculine or feminine, then look it up online or in a print dictionary to check if you’re right. If you’re not, try saying or writing the word with its masculine or feminine article a few times.

Is oeuf MASC or FEM?

leVocab on Twitter: “OEUF: the gender of the French word for egg is masculine..

What gender is pizza in French?

And there are lots of words ending in “-e” that are masculine: e.g. “arbre”, “fleuve”, Yes. Every noun has a grammatical gender. And “pizza” is feminine.

Why is Maison feminine in French?

French article genders So, the masculine noun bateau (meaning boat) takes the form of le bateau (the boat), un bateau (a boat), or les boats (the boats). The feminine noun maison (house) takes the form of la maison (the house), une maison (a house), or les maisons (the houses).

What is mean by Farineux?

adjective. mealy [adjective] like, or containing, meal.

Is lait masculine or feminine?

The word for milk in French is lait. According to French rules of grammar, lait is masculine.

Is croissant feminine in French?

In French every noun is either masculine or feminine, there’s no neutral, no “it”. For non-gendered objects like croissants and oranges the gender is mostly abritrary but it never changes and must be learned. In this case “croissant” is masculine while “orange” is feminine.

What is the gender of sandwich?

Sandwich is common gender or neutral in english 3mputerS.

Is Université masculine or feminine?

78 Comments. This discussion is locked. If you typed une université français, you would be wrong, as the word ‘université’ is feminine, so you add the feminine ‘e’ on the end of française. But if it was masculine, then you would be allowed to write français, as there is no feminine ‘e’ on the end.

How do you pronounce Savoureux?


  1. IPA: /sa.vu.ʁø/
  2. Audio. 0:02. (file)