What are the 4 feminine archetypes?

All women have different modes of expression, but each woman carries the universal expressions of four main archetypes embodying the feminine essence: The Maiden, The Wild Woman, The Nurturer, and The Wise Woman.

What are the four archetypes of Jung?

Jung labeled these archetypes the Self, the Persona, the Shadow and the Anima/Animus.

What is the best female archetype?

The Maiden (or Virgin as she’s sometimes known) has an innocent, youthful, playful spirit. She has a passion and excitement for life, is bursting with energy, and ready to take on the world single-handedly.

Who came up with the female archetypes?

Bolen uses seven classic Greek goddesses to illustrate the intricacies, nature, and behavioral patterns of femininity, and the many ways it can be expressed, making up the seven female archetypes, as listed below.

What is the wise woman archetype?

The Wise Woman, also called the Wise Crone, is one of narrative’s oldest, most enduring archetypes. In the Wise Woman, compassion and kindness intersect with magic, mystery, and nature. She is, in a sense, the Spiritual in human form.

What are the 5 female archetypes?

There are seven feminine archetypes that prevail in contemporary western society—the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the lover.

What is my divine feminine archetype?

A divine feminine archetype is when a woman embodies the highest expression of her feminine energies.

Why are female archetypes important?

She explains that the feminine archetypes and the goddesses associated with these archetypes can be used to elevate self-awareness, cultivate inner wisdom, and develop our strengths as we navigate who we are and how we interact with the world around us.

What is Sage archetype?

The Sage archetype, called ‘senex’ (old man in Latin) by Jung, is one of wisdom, knowledge and power. It represents the innate spiritual aspect of our personality in the unconscious and according to Carl Jung, appears in our lives through different symbols.

What does Toni Wolff mean by Eros?

So reading between the line and her description, in essence Toni Wolff surely meant Eros (or Lover) which corresponds nicely with the male archetype of Thomas Moore and Douglas Gillette.

What is the anima According to Toni Wolff?

According to Toni Wolff, women are inherently more conditioned by their soul, so her spirit and sexuality is rooted in the he psychical dimension. Their consciousness is therefore more comprehensive and holistic, but less defined. Toni Wolff structured the Anima in an interesting quadruple of four basic archetypes.

Who is Toni Wolff’s hetaira?

Hetaira is the root of the word Hetaere – mistress. So reading between the line and her description, in essence Toni Wolff surely meant Eros (or Lover) which corresponds nicely with the male archetype of Thomas Moore and Douglas Gillette.

What is the archetype of a mother?

The Mother archetype represents the woman’s natural capacity and numinous power to conceive, give birth, sustain, and renew life charitable by motherly cherishing, nursing, helping and teaching. Her instinct reacts to all in man, for which must cared for or what needs protection and development.