What is a Node PID?

The PID is the number displayed for the Runtime name property. In the above example, the PID is 17729. On Linux, the following command prints the PID from the log: $ grep -o ‘Runtime name:\s[0-9]\+@’ node. log | grep -o ‘[0-9]\+’

How do I get PID node JS?

  1. To get PID you should use process. pid , but not process.
  2. You’re not required to require(“process”), it’s a global variable already avaiable. nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process.
  3. use ==> if (items.toString().search(‘\\b’ + yourPID + ‘\\b’) > -1) instead of if(items.toString().indexOf(yourPID) > -1).

What is a Node process?

The process object in Node. js is a global object that can be accessed inside any module without requiring it. There are very few global objects or properties provided in Node. js and process is one of them.

What is Node TSC?

tsc is the TypeScript compiler, which is completely separate from ts-node . ts-node is a wrapper for Node. js’s node executable that installs a TypeScript-enabled module loader that compiles TypeScript on the fly as needed. From its npm page: TypeScript Node works by registering the TypeScript compiler for .

Is Nodejs slow?

Node. js programs can be slow due to a CPU/IO-bound operation, such as a database query or slow API call. For most Node. js applications, data fetching is done via an API request and a response is returned.

What is Node JS process model?

Node. js runs in a single process and the application code runs in a single thread and thereby needs less resources than other platforms. All the user requests to your web application will be handled by a single thread and all the I/O work or long running job is performed asynchronously for a particular request.

What does tsc build do?

Build Mode for TypeScript Running tsc –build ( tsc -b for short) will do the following: Find all referenced projects. Detect if they are up-to-date. Build out-of-date projects in the correct order.

What is tsc command?

The tsc command envokes the TypeScript compiler. When no command-line options are present, this command looks for the tsconfig. json file. If no tsconfig. json is found, it returns by dumping the usage of tsc command.

Is PHP faster than node?

Speed & Performance But when you compare Node. js and PHP directly, Node. js is much faster than PHP in execution.

Does Facebook use node JS?

However, Facebook is using Node for a few things. One is JSGameBench, an HTML5 game benchmarker. Another is a mobile JS framework that has yet to be announced, but will probably be open-sourced.