How did China reclaim Fiery Cross Reef?

During 2014, the PRC government began land reclamation activities to construct a large artificial island to support an approximately 3,300 meters (10,800 ft) airstrip, a seaport and a military base. China has spent an estimated 73.6 Billion Yuan (US$11.5 Billion) on expanding Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratlys alone.

How was Subi reef seized by China from the Philippines?

In 1988, China seized Subi Reef from the Philippines by erecting a radar structure and military facilities on the reef. Subi Reef is a Low-Tide Elevation (LTE) outside of the Philippines’ EEZ but within its extended continental shelf.

Where is the Spratly Islands located?

They are located north of insular Malaysia and are roughly midway between Vietnam and the Philippines, and they are claimed—wholly or in part—by several countries in the region. Spratly Islands.

How much money did China spend on Fiery Cross Reef?

US$11.5 billion
Fiery Cross Reef, which has been expanded to become the largest “island” in the Spratlys with a total surface area of 0.96 kilometers, is said to have cost the Chinese government 73.6 billion yuan (US$11.5 billion), excluding buildings and other fixed equipment constructed on the reef.

Who built the Fiery Cross Reef?

It was built by Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation, and is based on the Y-9 airframe. Range: 5,700 km.

Who owns Thitu Island?

the Philippines
The island has been occupied and administered by the Philippines since 1971. Being the second largest of the Spratly Islands, It is tightly protected by the Philippine forces. The island’s beaches have unused concrete bunkers which were built in the 1970s, a few years after the Philippine military base was established.

What did China build on the artificial islands they created at Subi Reef?

Aquilino said the construction of missile arsenals, aircraft hangars, radar systems and other military facilities on Mischief Reef, Subi Reef and Fiery Cross appeared to have been completed but it remained to be seen if China would pursue the construction of military infrastructure in other areas.