Who are the votan in defiance?

The Votans are actually a compilation of seven distinct races, all of whom resided on different planets in the Votan star system. All of the races abandoned their homes after the Votan star went nova, threatening to destroy everything around it.

What is a votan?

The Votans (“voh-tans”) is the collective name for the alien races that invaded Earth in arks. They are not a single species, but a collection of seven different alien species who evolved on separate planets in the Votanis star system.

What are the 8 races in defiance?

Known species are:

  • Castithans.
  • Gulanee.
  • Indogenes.
  • Irathients.
  • Liberata.
  • Sensoths.
  • Volge.
  • Omecs.

Who is Votann?

These warriors have a long and proud martial history, and to those who aren’t on their bad side, they’re known as the Leagues of Votann – though they refer to themselves as Kin. Although their civilisation shares common roots with Humanity, the Leagues of Votann have an uneasy relationship with the Imperium of Man.

Is defiance 2050 servers down?

The sci-fi action game Defiance, which tied into the TV show of the same name, is closing down for good. Developer Trion Worlds has announced that the servers for Defiance and Defiance 2050 will close on April 29, 2021.

Who is Grimnir?

Grimnir is the duardin god of war and fire. In the flaming footsteps of Grimnir walk the Duardin known as the Fyreslayers. Grimnir was brother to Grungni, the duardin god of mining and craft. One was filled with the fury of battle, the other tempered by the forge.

Is Defiance a dead game?

Server closure On April 27, 2020, Gamigo announced on the official Defiance forums that the Defiance servers for Xbox 360 would be shut down on May 25, 2020 and the game would no longer be accessible. PC and PS3 servers would be unaffected by this shutdown.

What god is Czernobog?

Chernobog appears as the god of chaos, darkness, and night in the Balto-Slavic pantheon of the Marvel universe. He is a member of Winter Guard, a group of Russian superheroes.

What god is Shadow Moon?

Shadow Moon Is A Character In The American Gods Book Turns out there is. Warning: Book spoilers from American Gods ahead! In the book, it’s eventually revealed that Shadow is a demigod — the son of a god and a human woman, according to ScreenRant. Specifically, he’s the son of Odin — aka, Mr.

Is Shadow Moon a god?