What is the Weather like in Australia in May?

The weather across Australia in May is warm and sunny, the hottest area being along the coast of the Northern Territory and the north-west corner of Queensland, including the Great Barrier Reef, which enjoys average temperatures of between 27.6°C (81°F) and 19°C (66°F).

How cold is May in Australia?

May is the end of autumn in Australia, and that means cool temperatures in some places, verging on wintery. Sydney stays reasonably warm thanks to being coastal, with average May highs of 68° F (20° C). But, other southern cities like Melbourne, Hobart, and Adelaide are cooler.

What is the rainiest month in Australia?

While January is normally the wettest month in Australia, in 2021 it experienced below average rainfall when compared to rainfall averages of 1961 – 1990. February and March followed a different trend, experiencing slightly more rain than usual and were above the averages seen in 1961 – 1990.

Is May a good time to go to Australia?

September to November & March to May are best time to visit Australia. Most of the tourists opt for these months to visit Australia. The weather during these seasons is neither too hot nor too cold that makes it perfect to have a walk around Australia.

Is May cold in Sydney?

The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Sydney in May is 12.0°C (53.6°F). The amount of rain in May is high with an average of 101mm (4.0in). It rains on average a total of 10 days. You can expect very pleasant temperatures during the day.

Why is May so wet?

Aidan said: “May’s weather has also been down to a blocking anti-cyclone – but this time, it’s over Greenland and that helped push the jet stream to the south.” As the dip of the jet stream lingers, low pressure moves in and mills around for several days, bringing rain.

Is it El Niño or La Niña 2021?

La Niña continues as the Northern Hemisphere heads into winter, and forecasters are confident that it will hang around through the rest of the winter. This La Niña, the second in two years, will likely transition to ENSO-neutral sometime in the spring.

What are the driest months in Australia?

Rain is spread fairly evenly throughout the year in Sydney, with June being the wettest month and September the driest.

What is the hottest month in Australia?

Summary. In southern Australia, the hottest day and night usually occur during January, several weeks after the December summer solstice. In northern Australia, the hottest day of the year is typically earlier, before the start of the wet season.

How hot is Sydney in May?

May Weather in Sydney Australia. Daily high temperatures decrease by 5°F, from 70°F to 65°F, rarely falling below 60°F or exceeding 77°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 5°F, from 56°F to 51°F, rarely falling below 45°F or exceeding 62°F.