What are the most common complaints in primary care?

The 10 most common clinician-reported RFVs were upper respiratory tract infection, hypertension, routine health maintenance, arthritis, diabetes, depression or anxiety, pneumonia, acute otitis media, back pain, and dermatitis.

What challenges do nurse practitioners face?

5 Advanced Practice Nursing Issues and Challenges

  • Staff Shortages, Long Hours, Workplace Hazards.
  • The Price of Burnout.
  • The Impact of COVID-19.
  • Profound Changes in the Healthcare Industry.
  • Doctors’ Opposition to Expanding Nurse Practitioner Roles.
  • Advocate for Improved Working Conditions.
  • Proactively Practice Self-Care.

What is the most common chief complaint?

Sore throat, skin rash, abdominal pain, earache, and backache were the five most common complaints (302 per 1,000 patients.) These complaints and 19 other problems were responsible for 822 patient visits per 1,000 in a study of 2,272 consecutive new patient visits.

What is the most difficult aspect of being a nurse practitioner?

Varying hours One of the biggest challenges of being a nurse practitioner is work-life balance, and a changing schedule or working overtime can impede this.

What are the most common conditions?

Common Illnesses

  • Allergies.
  • Colds and Flu.
  • Conjunctivitis (“pink eye“)
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headaches.
  • Mononucleosis.
  • Stomach Aches.

What are the most common conditions treated in the emergency department?

Ten Common ER Visits

  1. Headaches. The number one and the most common ER visit is due to headaches.
  2. Foreign Objects in the Body.
  3. Skin Infections.
  4. Back Pain.
  5. Contusions and Cuts.
  6. Upper Respiratory Infections.
  7. Broken Bones and Sprains.
  8. Toothaches.

What issues do nurse practitioners face in the 21st century?

Abstract. Nurse leaders face a myriad of challenges in the 21st century such as nursing workforce shortages, negative affectivity, generation workforce concerns, changing delivery systems, and increasing clinical practice complexity, to name a few.

What do you think are the 5 most difficult aspects of being a nurse?

7 hardest parts of nursing

  • Losing patients.
  • Being judged for their career choice.
  • Working long hours.
  • Experiencing physical/verbal abuse.
  • Navigating hospital politics.
  • Using outdated or time-consuming technology.
  • Feeling pressure to know everything.

What is an example of a chief complaint?

A chief complaint is a statement, typically in the patient’s own words: “my knee hurts,” for example, or “I have chest pain.” On occasion, the reason for the visit is follow-up, but if the record only states “patient here for follow-up,” this is an incomplete chief complaint, and the auditor may not even continue with …

What is a good chief complaint?

A chief complaint should comprise a concise statement describing the symptom, problem, condition, diagnosis, physician-recommended return or other factors that establish the reason for the encounter in the patient’s own words (e.g., aching joints, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, fatigue, etc.).

What can an NP not do?

In reduced-authority states, NPs can diagnose and treat patients, but they need physician oversight to prescribe medications. For NPs who work in restricted states, they cannot prescribe, diagnose, or treat patients without physician oversight.