What is meant by Exanthematous fever?
What is meant by Exanthematous fever?
a skin eruption or rash occurring as a symptom in a disease such as measles or scarlet fever. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. Derived forms. exanthematous (ˌɛksænˈθɛmətəs ) or exanthematic (ɛkˌsænθɪˈmætɪk )
What does the word Exanthematous mean?
Medical Definition of exanthem : an eruptive disease (as measles) or its symptomatic eruption. Other Words from exanthem. exanthematous \ ˌeg-ˌzan-ˈthem-ət-əs \ or exanthematic \ -ˌzan-thə-ˈmat-ik \ adjective.
What is Exanthematous illness?
1. a skin eruption or rash. 2. a disease in which skin eruptions or rashes are a prominent manifestation.
What is a childhood Exanthem?
Exanthems and Enanthems Common childhood rashes fall into two categories: Exanthems. Exanthems are eruptive skin rashes associated with a fever or other constitutional symptoms. They commonly arise from an infectious disease, but can also be drug-related.
What are Exanthematous diseases?
1. a skin eruption or rash. 2. a disease in which skin eruptions or rashes are a prominent manifestation. exanthem su´bitum roseola infantum.
How do you pronounce Exanthematous?
Phonetic spelling of exanthematous
- ex-an-the-ma-tous.
- ex-an-the-ma-tous.
- ex-an-them-at-ous.
How would you describe a viral exanthem?
A viral exanthem rash is spots, bumps or blotches on your skin that accompany a viral infection. It may or may not be itchy. The rash can start anywhere on the body, often on your face or trunk, and then spread. It may be associated with other virus symptoms.
How do you describe a rash medically?
If the lesion is flat, then it will be either a macule or patch. A macule is a flat lesion smaller than 1 cm and a patch is a flat lesion larger than 1 cm. Elevated lesions are either solid or fluid-filled. Solid lesions can be described as either a papule, plaque, nodule, or wheal.
How do you document skin assessment?
Document the soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, oils, and other topical products that the patient uses routinely. Ask the patient: about skin changes such as xerosis (skin dryness), pruritus, wounds, rashes, or changes in skin pigmentation or color. if skin appearance changes with the seasons.
How do you classify a skin rash?
Primary Morphology
- Macule – flat lesion less than 1 cm, without elevation or depression.
- Patch – flat lesion greater than 1 cm, without elevation or depression.
- Plaque – flat, elevated lesion, usually greater than 1 cm.
- Papule – elevated, solid lesion less than 1 cm.
- Nodule – elevated, solid lesion greater than 1 cm.