What are the 5 risk rating levels?

Most companies use the following five categories to determine the likelihood of a risk event:

  • Highly Likely. Risks in the highly likely category are almost certain to occur.
  • Likely. A likely risk has a 61-90 percent chance of occurring.
  • Possible.
  • Unlikely.
  • Highly Unlikely.

What are the 4 risk categories?

One approach for this is provided by separating financial risk into four broad categories: market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk.

What are the 6 risk categories?


  • Health and safety risk. General health and safety risks can be presented in a variety of forms, regardless of whether the workplace is an office or construction site.
  • Reputational risk.
  • Operational risk.
  • Strategic risk.
  • Compliance risk.
  • Financial risk.

What are the 8 risk categories?

3 The OCC has defined eight categories of risk for bank supervision purposes: credit, interest rate, liquidity, price, operational, compliance, strategic, and reputation. These categories are not mutually exclusive. Any product or service may expose a bank to multiple risks.

How do you classify risk levels?

The levels are Low, Medium, High, and Extremely High. To have a low level of risk, we must have a somewhat limited probability and level of severity. Notice that a Hazard with Negligible Accident Severity is usually Low Risk, but it could become a Medium Risk if it occurs frequently.

How do you define risk categories?

Risk categories can be defined as the classification of risks as per the business activities of the organization and provides a structured overview of the underlying and potential risks faced by them. Most commonly used risk classifications include strategic, financial, operational, people, regulatory and finance.

What is risk Categorisation?

Risk categorization, in project management, is the organization of risks based on their sources, areas of the affected project and other useful categories in order to determine the areas of the project that are the most exposed to the effects of risks or uncertainties.

How is risk Likelihood defined?

Risk Likelihood

  1. Risk Likelihood is the state of being probable or chance of a threat occurring.
  2. Chance of something happening.

What is Likelihood and severity?

Likelihood (1-3) – how likely an accident it is that someone will come to harm. Severity (1-3) – the seriousness of the potential injury or illness.