How do you treat brown leaves on azaleas?

Azalea and rhododendron 101

  1. The most likely cause is inadequate watering.
  2. Next is the soil not being acidic enough — although that generally results in yellow leaves.
  3. Or mulch them with an inch of milled peat moss (for acidity) topped by an inch of compost (for the ultimate slow-release natural feeding).

Should I remove brown leaves from azalea?

Azalea Fungal dieback Such leaves eventually turn brown. This is followed by dieback of the entire branches. Prune off the infected branches as soon as you see them. Apply some fungicide on the plant and prevent the infection from spreading.

Why are the leaves on my azalea plant turning brown?

A: Brown leaf margins are caused by too little or too much water and possibly too much afternoon sun. Azaleas are shallow rooted and like an evenly moist soil and good drainage. Make sure the soil is not too soggy, not too dry and try to avoid swings from wet to really dry.

What does an overwatered azalea look like?

The appearance of an over-watered azalea is often deceiving because the plant often appears drier than normal and the leaves may turn brown. You naturally assume the poor thing needs more water, and you water it even more.

How do you revive a brown azalea?

If your azalea is dying, you need to apply a fish emulsion to revitalize the plant. Spread a compost over the root system and keep the soil moist with mulch. If you don’t water and mulch azaleas during hot dry days, the leaves will scorch and the plant will begin to fade.

Do azaleas need a lot of water?

Azaleas in a more shaded area and cooler climate prefer less water, about two or three times a month. If planted in a sunnier and warmer climate, water azaleas about one to two times a week. Keep in mind that azaleas are shallow-rooted plants and need to be kept moist, but are unable to tolerate soggy soil.

How often should azaleas be watered?

How much water do azaleas need?

Watering: Water your azalea up to twice a week. It likes to drink, but if the soil gets too waterlogged – even for just an hour and a half – your azalea’s roots will die. Also, never water azaleas from above.

Why do my azaleas look sick?

The fungus Phytophthora species causes one of the most common disease problems in the landscape for rhododendron and azalea. This fungus is a “water mold,” and thrives in poorly drained or wet conditions. A wilted plant is usually the first sign of trouble. Rhododendron leaves will curl inward and droop.

Do azaleas like sun or shade?

Azaleas do well in full sun or part shade (about four hours of sun). Planted in full sun, azaleas will be more compact and floriferous. When planted in part shade, they will stretch toward the sunlight and form a more graceful habit; flowers will not be as plentiful but will last longer.

How do you save a dying azalea?

How do you rejuvenate azaleas?

Cut the plant back hard to about 8-10 inches from the ground. You can cut the entire plant back or leave one or two smaller stems as a source of energy (these are cut back later once growth resumes). Remember to water the rejuvenated plant well during its first season. New suckers may need to be thinned mid-season.