Where is the area code 01420?

01420 area code information

Area code: 01420
Location: Alton
Ceremonial county: Hampshire
Local number length: 6 or 5 digits*
Number format: 01420 xxxxxx or 01420 xxxxx

What is the zip code for Fitchburg MA?

01420Fitchburg / Zip code

What is the zip code for Lowell MA?

Lowell/Zip codes

What county is Fitchburg MA in?

Worcester CountyFitchburg / CountyWorcester County is a county located in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. As of the 2020 census, the population was 862,111, making it the second-most populous county in Massachusetts while also being the largest in area. The largest city and traditional shire town is the city of Worcester. Wikipedia

Who called 01420513003?

⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 01420513003 that called you is a tax scam! At the moment, our Calling Line Identification system CANNOT verify this number . This means that it may NOT be authentic and may belong to an unknown Call Centre .

What area code is 01242 in England?

The location for 01242 is Cheltenham, UK. The 01242 area code will allow you to make calls to Cheltenham from wherever in the world you are.

What is the Lunenburg MA ZIP code?

ZIP Code 01462

Post Office City: Lunenburg, MA (View All Cities)
County: Worcester County
Timezone: Eastern (12:10am)
Coordinates: 42.59, -71.72 ZIP (~5 mile radius)

What is the zip code for Groton MA?

Groton/Zip codes

What county is Lowell Massachusetts?

Middlesex CountyLowell / County

What is the zip code for Burlington MA?

Burlington/Zip codes

Is Fitchburg MA the hilliest city?

It is in fact false. North Bergen, New Jersey is regarded as the second town with the most hills following San Francisco.

Is Fitchburg MA a good place to live?

Fitchburg is a great place to live if you want that city feel while still having access to suburban life. Crime downtown is bad, outskirts are nice. The geographical scope is hilly, but the quarries are pretty cool.