Who are the characters in the story Keesh?

Keesh. Keesh was a thirteen-year-old boy who lived at the North Pole a long time ago.

  • Klosh-Kwan. Klosh-Kwan was the chief of the village who lived in a large igloo.
  • Ikeega. Ikeega was Keesh’s mother who lived only with his sole son.
  • Ugh-Gluk.
  • Bim and Bawn.
  • What kind of person is Keesh?

    Keesh was a strong and healthy boy, his father was died when he was 13. So he and his mother became poor life. The author use so many sentences to show that Keesh was a brave boy. He said to all the adults in the tribe that he was divided into the meat of the old and hard bone of the majority.

    How did Keesh’s father died?

    The father of Keesh had been a brave man. But he had died hunting for food.

    What does Keesh bring with him along the shore line the next day?

    The next day, Keesh started out for the shore, where the land meets the ice. Those who watched saw that he carried his bow and many arrows. Across his shoulder was his father’s big hunting spear. Again there was laughter.

    What are the characters of a story?

    Types of Characters in a Story

    • Protagonist. Your main character or hero is, naturally, the essential player.
    • Antagonist. This is the villain, the character who opposes and undermines your protagonist.
    • Sidekick.
    • Orbital Character.
    • Love Interest.
    • Confidante.
    • Extras.
    • Foil.

    Who were the main character in the story the last leaf?

    The main characters in “The Last Leaf” are Sue, Johnsy, and Mr. Behrman. Sue, a young artist originally from Maine, is Johnsy’s roommate. She takes care of Johnsy while Johnsy is sick.

    How do you describe Keesh?

    Keesh is a strong boy that have a lot of strength to cut up the bear, and very brave to hunt although he is a child, also be helpful like his father that divide the meat fairly to make sure all the people in the village won’t be hungry.

    What is the theme of story of Keesh?

    Theme and The Moral Value of The Story The theme of this short story is the sacrifice which is forgotten. Keesh tries to prove that his father has become the savior for his community. He comes again to make the society aware that they have to appreciate every sacrifice of the person.

    Who is Ikeega in The Story of Keesh?

    3) Ikeega Ikeega was Keesh’s mother who lived only with his sole son. She loved his son very much. She is a flat character, because from the beginning until the end she is the same, doesn’t develop. She is a tritagonist because she is a character which is needed as the complement in the story.

    What was Keesh Headcraft?

    Answer: Keesh’s headcraft refers to the way of Keesh’s way of killing the polar animals with special tactics.

    How does The Story of Keesh end?

    One council Keesh complained about unfair treatment, but other people laughed at him. Therefore, he decided to hunt by himself. Later on, Keesh used his brain to kill many bears and divided them fairly. In the end, Keesh rose to power and became the leader of his people.

    What happened in The Story of Keesh?

    A child addressing the tribal elders was seen as precocious. Keesh declared that he would honor his father’s memory and became a great hunter, and bring back a wealth of meat for his people. He was scorned, and they allowed him to go off on his own. Many never expected to hear from him again.