What is NABTU?

NABTU is dedicated to the stability of employment and economic security of organized construction workers in North America. The private investments made by our unions and our signatory contractors have created the most renowned apprenticeship training and education infrastructure found anywhere in the world.

Who is Sean McGarvey?

Bio. Sean McGarvey is President of the North America’s Building Trades Unions. He started his career with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) in 1981 in Philadelphia, PA, and subsequently worked his way up through various leadership positions within the IUPAT.

What Union builds houses?

The construction workers union, a major donor to Democratic political causes in California, is widely considered the most powerful interest group on housing issues.

What is MC3?

The Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) is a comprehensive pre-apprenticeship training curriculum. It was developed and approved by the Building Trades National Apprenticeship and Training Committee in 2008.

What trades have unions?

As the name implies, building trade unions include the many crafts that are part of the construction industry. They include bricklayers, carpenters, iron workers, asbestos workers, operating engineers, painters, plasterers, plumbers, roofers and sheet metal workers.

How are labor unions funded?

The union negotiates directly with employers on the workers’ behalf and is funded by its members’ union dues, which are calculated either by using a fixed rate or as a percentage of the member’s salary.

What is the highest paid union job?

The median annual salaries for the top-paying union jobs are as follows:

  • Nuclear power reactor operators: $91,370.
  • Elevator installers: $76,860.
  • Electrical and electronics repairers: $74,540.
  • Power plant operators: $73,800.
  • Transportation inspectors: $72,659.

Why do employers not like unions?

Unions represent the interests of workers and can help push for better pay and benefits. Businesses often oppose unions because they can interfere with their autonomy or affect them economically.

What trades pay 100k a year?

Trade Jobs That Pay 6 Figures

  • Air traffic controller.
  • Commercial Pilot.
  • Construction Manager.
  • Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation and Relay.
  • Elevator Installer and Repairer.
  • First-line Supervisors of Police and Detectives.
  • In-N-Out Manager.
  • Nuclear Power Reactor Operators.