What is a DB15 connector?

The DB15 connector is an analog socket, with 15 pins, from the D-Subminiatures (D-Sub) connector family. The prefix “D” represents the D-shape of the connector shell. The DB15 connector is mainly used in serial and parallel ports, allowing asynchronous data transmission according to the RS-232 standard (RS-232C).

Is dsub the same as VGA?

When used as a monitor interface, a D-Sub port is also known as a VGA port, an analog connection standard that’s been around for some time. The connector is a DE-15 connector with 15 pins in three rows, often referred to as a “mini-D-Sub 15-pin” or “D-Sub 15-pin” connector.

What is a Type D connector?

A D-sub connector, also called a D-sub miniature, is an electrical connector commonly used in computers. D-sub connectors feature parallel rows of connector pins, surrounded by a metal shield. The shield is shorter on one side, resembling the D English letter.

What is D-Sub Shell Size?

D-SUB BACKSHELL SELECTION The NorComp d-sub backshell connector housings are available in up to 5 industry standard shell sizes: 9 pin (HD15), 15 pin (HD26), 25 pin (HD44), 37 pin (HD62) & 50 pin (HD78) positions.

How many pins does a D-sub connector have?

Each shell size usually corresponds to a certain number of pins or sockets: A with 15, B with 25, C with 37, D with 50, and E with 9.

Is DB15 and VGA the same?

Technically, no, it is different. DB15 is wider and has 15 pins in two rows of 7 and 8, while VGA, HD15 or DE15 (names are interchangeable) is a smaller connector that has 3 rows of 5. However, some devices and manuals will inaccurately label VGA connectors as DB15’s.

Which computer component is most likely to use a DB15 connector?

Which computer component is most likely to use a DB15 connector? A DB15 connector is most often used for VGA, or analog video, connections. Therefore, a monitor is the best choice.

Can I use VGA cable for D-sub?

No. D-Sub refers to the “D” rectangular shape of the connector. VGA happens to have standardized on the “D-submini” 15 pin variation, but there plenty of other kinds of D-sub connectors with different numbers of pins, and used for different purposes.

Which is better DVI or D-sub?

DVI is capable of transmitting both analog and digital signals its D-sub equivalent (the DE9) only carries analog signals. Though other D-sub connectors like the serial port uses digital signals, the provisions in the VGA standard only allows analog signals.

What does a D-Sub connector look like?

D-Sub Connectors They are shaped like a sideways letter “D,” with one side slightly longer than the other. Due to the shape, there is only one way to connect a device. All D-Sub connectors have a metal “shield” that surrounds two or more rows of pins (male) or holes (female).