What is the best undergrad school for pre-med?

The Best Pre-Med Schools

  • Stanford Univeristy.
  • University of Pennsylvania.
  • Columbia University.
  • Duke University.
  • University of Washington.
  • UNC Chapel Hill.
  • Cornell University.
  • Northwestern University. Northwestern University ranks among the top 20 best medical schools when it comes to research.

Which state is best for pre-med?

TOP 5 STATES (2017-2018)

  • West Virginia – 56.5%
  • Vermont – 53.9%
  • Kentucky – 52.9%
  • Wyoming – 52.4%
  • Massachusetts – 51.7%

What are the top medical schools in the South?

Medical Schools in the Southern United States

  • Emory University.
  • University of Mississippi.
  • University of Florida.
  • Vanderbilt University.
  • Duke University.
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • University of Miami.
  • Augusta University.

Does Alabama have good premed?

University of Alabama at Birmingham Established in 1965, UAB is one of the newer colleges on this list but also one that, owing to its medical school, is hugely popular with pre-med and pre-health students.

Which College sends the most students to medical school?

According to the AAMC, these schools produced the largest number of medical school applicants during the 2021 application cycle:

  • University of California–Los Angeles: 1,298.
  • University of Texas at Austin: 1,033.
  • University of Florida: 1,006.
  • University of California–Berkeley: 859.
  • University of Michigan–Ann Arbor: 832.

Which pre-med school has the highest acceptance rate?

Harvard University, the most highly-respected university in the world, has the highest medical school acceptance rate in America. Pre-med applicants that graduated with a GPA of 3.5 or higher had a 95% acceptance rate to medical schools. Harvard, though, has a number of invaluable resources for pre-med students.

Is Auburn Good for pre med?

— Graduates from Auburn University’s College of Sciences and Mathematics are some of the most successful students in the country when it comes to getting accepted to medical school. Auburn students are consistently accepted to medical school at a rate that is 30 percent higher than then national average.

Does the University of Alabama Tuscaloosa have a pre med program?

Here at The University of Alabama, we do not have pre-health (pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-physical therapy, etc.) majors. What our university does is pre-health tracks.

What is the hardest pre-med class?

Organic Chemistry: It shouldn’t surprise you that organic chemistry takes the No. 1 spot as the hardest college course. This course is often referred to as the “pre-med killer” because it actually has caused many pre-med majors to switch their major.

What are the best colleges for pre med?

We’ve compiled a list of the Best Colleges For Pre Med. Learn more about each school below and calculate your chances of acceptance. Curious about your chances of admission at the Best Colleges For Pre Med? Enter your GPA, test scores, and more. to see how you compare to past applicants.

What universities offer pre med?

Harvard. The Office of Career Services in Harvard stated that an estimated 17% of their classes are bound to apply to med school.

  • Johns Hopkins University. As an institution for medical research and a med school,Johns Hopkins has a solid reputation that they have maintained through the years.
  • Stanford Univeristy.
  • University of Pennsylvania.
  • What is the best medical school in the south?

    University of South Carolina School of Medicine.

  • University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville.
  • Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine – South Carolina.
  • Planning Your Next Move.
  • What are the most popular pre med majors?

    – Biological Sciences – Other* – Social Sciences – Physical Sciences – Humanities