Who won civil war2?

Captain Marvel Wins The War.

What were they stealing in civil war?

Holding a grudge against Steve Rogers for the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Crossbones attempts to steal a biological weapon in Lagos, Nigeria. Eventually, the villain gets in close and blows himself up alongside Cap in a heavily populated marketplace.

What was Zemo’s plan in civil war?

Knowing he was no match against the Avengers, Zemo planned to have them all destroy themselves, by framing the Winter Soldier for killing T’Chaka, which caused Captain America to defend Barnes from the world.

Who is stronger Iron Man or Thor?

With the suit, he is slightly less strong than Thor is. According to the official Marvel pages, in fact, Thor barely beats out Iron Man in durability, energy, speed, and strength.

Who is stronger Iron Man or Batman?

Sure, Batman is physically stronger. In a fight, Bruce Wayne would kick Tony Stark’s behind without question as he trains consistently and looks after himself. Even as he grows older, Batman is still physically strong and able to put up a fistfight with the best of them.

Who Killed Black Panther’s father?

Zemo orchestrates a bomb attack that kills T’Chaka, the Panther’s father, an act that T’Challa in turn seeks to avenge.

Who blew up the building in civil war?

That suspect was Timothy McVeigh. Timothy McVeigh’s hatred of the federal government intensified in 1993 after an armed standoff in Waco, Texas resulted in the deaths of 76 people.

What was Zemo’s goal?

Zemo first appears in the film Captain America: Civil War (2016). In pursuit of his goal to fracture the Avengers and potentially get them to kill each other, he tracks down retired Hydra agents and frames Bucky Barnes for a bombing at the United Nations that killed King T’Chaka of Wakanda.

Who has a higher IQ Batman or Iron Man?

Batman is universally hailed as the smartest man in D.C. Comics, with Lex Luthor his only real competition. Iron Man, by contrast, is at least the fifth or sixth smartest character in the Marvel universe, with Richards, Victor Von Doom, Bruce Banner and Hank Pym all believed to be more intelligent.