What is sodium fluoride toothpaste used for?

SODIUM FLUORIDE (SOE dee um FLOOR ide) paste is used to prevent tooth decay. It also helps to decrease sensitivity of the teeth. This medicine may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.

What toothpaste has the most fluoride?

Colgate® PreviDent® 5000 Booster Plus
Which toothpastes have the highest fluoride content? Colgate® PreviDent® 5000 Booster Plus (1.1% Sodium Fluoride) Prescription Strength Toothpaste is among the highest fluoridated toothpastes available. You can only get it by having your dentist put in a prescription.

How much fluoride in toothpaste is good?

Toothpastes containing 1,350 to 1,500ppm fluoride are the most effective. Your dentist may advise you to use higher-strength toothpaste if you or your child is at particular risk of tooth decay. Children under 3 years old should brush twice daily, with a smear of toothpaste containing at least 1,000ppm fluoride.

How does fluoride help teeth?

When your saliva has fluoride in it from sources like toothpaste or water, your teeth are able to take it in. Once in your enamel, fluoride teams up with calcium and phosphate there to create the most powerful defense system your teeth can have to prevent cavities from forming: fluoroapatite.

Is sodium fluoride safe for teeth?

Sodium fluoride makes teeth more resistant to decay and bacteria that cause cavities. This medication is used to prevent cavities.

Is fluoride toothpaste good for your teeth?

Pros of Fluoride Toothpaste In small doses, fluoride strengthens tooth enamel against acids created by the bacteria in your mouth. Long term, this approach decreases the rate of tooth decay and lessens the number of cavities the average person experiences.

Will fluoride reverse tooth decay?

Use fluoride Fluoride is a mineral that can prevent tooth decay from progressing. It can even reverse, or stop, early tooth decay.

Does fluoride restore enamel?

Fluoride can also reverse the effects of tooth decay by rebuilding weakened enamel, if taken early on. Since the introduction of fluoride to the dental industry and food sources, millions of people throughout the years have reaped the benefits of less cavities and stronger tooth enamel.