What is TestCafe used for?

Test Cafe is a Node. js end-to-end free and open source automation tool which is used to test web applications. It works on all popular environments such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux. With its easy to install feature in a single command, you can write scripts in JavaScript [or] TypeScript.

Is TestCafe better than Selenium?

TestCafe has a better perspective than Selenium as it provides information and also the details about what is actually going on during the automation test with a status bar below. This actually helps the tester to make the debugging process easier.

Is TestCafe a Selenium?

TestCafe is a mature framework built from scratch which is built on Node. js. The fundamental difference between Selenium and TestCafe is that Selenium runs the code in the browser process itself, whereas TestCafe uses a Proxy in between which performs URL rewriting, and injects the test scripts into the browser.

Is TestCafe a framework?

Test Cafe is an open-source JavaScript test automation framework built on NodeJS. TestCafe doesn’t use Selenium Webdriver or any external tools to run tests. It runs on the popular Node. js platform, and makes use of the browsers a tester already has.

Is TestCafe free?

Free and Open Source TestCafe is available for free and distributed under the MIT license. We are committed to our open-source community and are actively extending TestCafe’s capabilities.

How do I start TestCafe?

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a functional web test with TestCafe and consists of the following sections.

  1. Installing TestCafe.
  2. Creating a Test.
  3. Running the Test.
  4. Viewing the Test Results.
  5. Writing Test Code. Performing Actions on the Page. Observing Page State. Assertions.

Is TestCafe easy to learn?

Element selection process is very easy when it comes to TestCafe. Tests made by TestCafe are purely based on JavaScript which directly communicates with DOM. Learning TestCafe API’s is easy compared to Selenium’s APIs. Testcafe exposes a minimum number of APIs to learn.

Is Cypress better than selenium?

Selenium is the leading automation framework for web testing, but it’s not your only choice. Cypress is a more developer-focused framework and is a good alternative to Selenium. Cypress has limited integrations, but you don’t have to worry about complex environment setup with it.

Does TestCafe use WebDriver?

TestCafe uses a URL-rewriting proxy which allows it to work without the WebDriver. This proxy injects the driver script that emulates user actions into the tested page.

Is TestCafe open source?

TestCafe – An open-source project that is now hosted on GitHub with an MIT license. It’s a free and lite version of TestCafe that exposes the core functionality of TestCafe!

Who developed TestCafe?

DevExpress created TestCafe to handle their custom user interface controls for mobile Web apps.

How do I create a TestCafe project?

Setting up a test project

  1. Creating a project. Start the TestCafe application.
  2. Creating a directory in the project.
  3. Creating a test fixture.
  4. Recording test actions.
  5. Creating an assertion test step.
  6. Choosing an element for assertion.
  7. Choosing an element property for assertion.
  8. Play back the recorded steps.