What is the midface area?

The midface is defined as the region between the eyebrows and subnasale, and includes the zygoma and maxilla. 10 Despite its importance in facial geometry, the number of studies of sagittal and frontal measurements of the midface is insufficient.

What is midface descent?

The midface is involved in the extended eyelid complex and also is affected by descent of the facial tissues during the aging process of the body. Drooping of facial skin and deepening of the nasolabial sulcus are characteristic features of midface descent.

What is a midface suspension?

A MIMS (Minimally Invasive Midface Suspension) is a minimally invasive cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that improves the appearance of the midface and lower thirds of the face by repositioning the face soft tissues of the cheeks to a more youthful natural looking position (“Face Lift-like effect”).

Where does the midface start?

The term “midface” describes the area from the corners of your eyes to the corners of your mouth, so this includes your nose, cheeks and the area above your upper lip. Finally, the “lower face” includes everything below the corners of your mouth. That would include the nasolabial folds (laugh lines) and jawline.

What does midface mean?

The midface is the region between the upper and lower thirds of the face. Within the midface there is. an anterior portion referred to as the midcheek and the posterior portion referred to as the lateral. cheek. The changes with aging tend to affect the midcheek structures with laxity of the soft tissue support-

What causes mid face volume loss?

Loss of facial volume can be a natural result from weight loss, excess sun exposure, smoking, medical conditions, or the aging process. Areas of the face may begin to lose their structural support as natural collagen production declines, along with an individual’s youthful appearance.

What are the bones of the midface?

The midface consists of the following bony structures: nasal bones, lacrimal bone, ethmoid, sphenoid, maxilla, zygomatic bone, and palatine bone [16].

What is a cheek lift?

A cheek lift elevates the fat pad in the cheek (called the malar fat pad), providing fullness to the eyes and cheeks – leading to a refreshed, rejuvenated look. Results are more permanent than those offered by injectables, and recovery from a mid-face lift is quicker than a traditional facelift.

What is malar fat pad?

The critical anatomical element that is responsible for the effects of midfacial aging is the fat pad that rests in the cheek called the malar fat pad. In our youth this fat pad sits along the “cheekbone” segment of the face under the eyes. They provide fullness to the eyes and cheek and a youthful contour to the face.

At what age do you lose volume in your face?

Studies have shown that by the age of 35, the natural aging process causes us to lose about 10% of the fat in our faces, and we lose an additional 5-10% of your facial volume every 5-10 years thereafter.

How do I restore lost volume on my face?

OPTIONS: Facial volume can be restored with injectable fillers or your own fat. Unlike peels and superficial fillers for skin lines, reflation is a procedure that uses filler or fat deeper in the face to prop up the skin and recreate lost contours.

What are buttresses of midface?

Bony Buttresses of the Facial Skeleton These buttresses define the vertical height of the face and provide the bony support required for mastication. Masticatory forces imparted to the midface are transferred to the skull base through the ZM, NM and PM buttresses.