Is advertising on Yellow Pages free?

This listing is entirely free of charge. However, as soon you sign up and get listed you will most likely be solicited by a sales representative trying to get you to sign up for a Priority Listing (and perhaps more) with YP.

How do I get my business listed in the phone book?

Contact your local service directory by dialing “411,” and then ask to be included in its directory listing. Depending on the region, there may be a small charge to include your contact information in the directory. To be listed, you will need to provide a current phone number.

Is Yellow Pages online advertising worth it?

Based on the reviews above, we can conclude that YP is not at all effective in helping small businesses and local establishments find potential customers. They can’t even provide the results or deliver the level of service their customers expect from them based on their brand promise.

Does anyone use Yellow Pages anymore?

OK, many of us aren’t getting the Yellow Pages delivered to our doors anymore. But according to the company, more than 80 million people visit the site (or use their app) each month where there are more than 20 million businesses listed.

How do I get my free listing on Yellow Pages?

How to Claim Your Yellow Pages Listing

  1. Go to Scroll down a wee bit the to “Claim Your Business” section and click “Get Your Free Listing!”
  2. Search For Your Business.
  3. Claim Your Business.
  4. Update Your Business Profile.
  5. Verify Your New Yellow Pages Listing.

How do I list my business?

Top 10 Free Places to List Your Business

  1. Google My Business.
  2. Bing Places.
  3. 3. Facebook.
  4. Yelp.
  5. Apple Maps.
  6. LinkedIn.

How do I remove my listing from Yellow Pages?

  1. Go to their opt-out website,, and search for your listing.
  2. Find your listing and click “select and continue”.
  3. You will have to enter your email address to verify your opt-out request.
  4. You will be shown a page saying that a verification link was sent to your email.

Do Yellow Pages still exist?

Yup–still there. Article continues after video. OK, many of us aren’t getting the Yellow Pages delivered to our doors anymore. But according to the company, more than 80 million people visit the site (or use their app) each month where there are more than 20 million businesses listed.