How long after static Smiley will I ovulate?

When your LH surge is first detected, the test will display a static smiley face and this will continue to be displayed constantly for 48 hours, indicating your 2 most fertile days.

Can Clearblue fertility sticks detect pregnancy?

You may have heard that ovulation tests can be used to detect pregnancy. The answer is yes, they can!

Can you use Clearblue fertility sticks without monitor?

The Pregnancy Test Sticks from this pack can only be used with the Clearblue Advanced Fertility Monitor (sold separately). The result of the tests can only be read on the monitor and cannot be worked out by any lines you might see on the test.

What do the lines mean on a Clearblue digital ovulation test stick?

The line next to the arrow is the ‘Surge Line’ which indicates the level of LH in your urine. The line furthest away from the arrow is the ‘Reference Line’. You should compare the ‘Reference Line’ with the ‘Surge Line’. The ‘Reference Line’ also indicates that you have conducted the test correctly.

How many days of high fertility is normal?

Evidence shows that this time of increased fertility usually spans 6 days, starting approximately 5 days prior to ovulation and ending on the day of ovulation itself. The 6-day fertile period is affected by: The lifespan of the egg, which is up to 24 hours after ovulation.

How many days can you have high fertility?

There are only a few days per cycle when a woman is fertile and can conceive. Evidence shows that this time of increased fertility usually spans 6 days, starting approximately 5 days prior to ovulation and ending on the day of ovulation itself.

What are the 2 lines on Clearblue ovulation test?

If the device gave you a positive result (smiley face in a circle), the ejected test stick shows two lines. As you get closer to ovulation, you’ll still get a negative result from the device, but you’ll start to see the ejected test strips with a faint second line (meaning you’re close but not there yet).

Does two lines on an ovulation test mean your pregnant?

Ovulation test kits have two lines: One is the control line that signals the test is working properly while the other is the test line. This line will be lighter or darker than the control line, depending on whether you’re ovulating. The test line appears lighter when you have a low level of LH in your body.