What is Granta EduPack?

Granta EduPack, formerly CES EduPack, is a unique set of teaching resources to support materials education. Granta EduPack provides support to enhance undergraduate materials education. EduPack includes a database of materials and process information, materials selection tools and a range of supporting resources.

How do I download Granta EduPack?

To install Granta EduPack Classic via a download:

  1. Go to the Download Software page on the Granta Design website, and sign in to your My Granta account.
  2. Click the download link to save the installer.
  3. Run the installer by double-clicking edupack_(introductory_)classic_setup.

Is Granta EduPack free?

We will make good use of Edupack in this course, and thankfully, the university has a sitewide licence, meaning you can install it on your computer for free!

Who made EduPack?

Originating in the work of Professor Mike Ashby and colleagues at the University of Cambridge, EduPack has been extensively developed by Granta Design in collaboration with Professor Ashby and a growing community of educators at 1,000 universities and colleges around the world.

What is Cambridge Engineering Selector?

The Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) is a Windows based PC toolkit for the evaluation of information for engineering design, developed by Granta Design Ltd., in conjunction with Cambridge University Engineering Department.

How do I download Granta EduPack on Mac?

How do I install Granta EduPack Classic?

  1. Download the installer.
  2. Sign in to your My Granta account on the Education Hub Support page.
  3. Click Download, then click the download link to save the installer.
  4. Run the installer (edupack_classic_setup.
  5. Enter your My Granta account information when prompted.
  6. Click Install now.

What does CES Software stand for?

Cambridge Engineering Selector
What is CES? The Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) is a Windows based PC toolkit for the evaluation of information for engineering design, developed by Granta Design Ltd., in conjunction with Cambridge University Engineering Department.

What is Granta selector?

Granta Selector is a PC application that enables materials experts and product development teams to find and apply materials property data. You can make better decisions in early-stage design or re-design, reduce time-to-market, and increase confidence during development.