Can I leave my car in NCP overnight?

Yes, you’re able to park your vehicle overnight in most of our car parks, but please refer to the opening times of the specific car park using our find a car park feature.

Can I leave my car overnight at Edinburgh Park and Ride?

EM Horsburgh services 40/x40 serve park and ride. Hermiston Park and Ride is a 24 hour operation where overnight parking is permitted for up to 3 nightts No details need to be given and permission is not required for this.

Where can I park overnight in Edinburgh?

Free Overnight Parking near Edinburgh

  • Merchiston Grove.
  • Lyne Street.
  • Arboretum Road – North End Only.
  • Ravelston Dykes.
  • Dalmeny Street.
  • Hermiston Park And Ride.
  • Ferrytoll Park & Ride.
  • Ingliston Park And Ride.

How much does it cost to leave your car at Edinburgh Airport?


Duration Tariff
10 – 15 minutes £5.00
15 – 30 minutes £9.00
30 minutes – 1 hour £12.00
1 – 3 hours £16.00

Can you stay longer than 24 hours in NCP?

If you’ve paid for a 24 hour stay and you wish to extend this, you can simply top-up your stay at the standard tariff price. The tariff prices will reset after 24 hours, these prices can be seen on the tariff board in the car park or online.

Do you pay NCP when you leave?

These car parks will be barrier car parks where you need to pay when you leave the car park, either at a pay machine when you’re ready to leave or at the exit barrier with a debit or credit card.

How long can I park at the Park and Ride?

Lot Use and Parking Restrictions Commuter parking at the Caltrans operated park & ride lots is free of charge; no permits are required. Please note, unless otherwise posted, vehicles parked outside of marked parking stalls or left more than 72 hours may be ticketed and towed at owner’s expense, Calif.

Where can I park in Edinburgh for free?

Five places you can park for free in Edinburgh city centre

  • St Margaret’s Loch. St Margaret’s Loch in Edinburgh with the car park in the background (Image: Jim Barton / Creative Commons)
  • Tesco Canonmills.
  • Meadowbank Shopping Centre.
  • Waitrose Comely Bank.
  • Pilrig Street and surrounds.

Is there free parking at Edinburgh Park?

The good news is that, beyond the Centre, parking is largely free in Edinburgh. The bad news is that because it’s free, it can be a bit tricky to find a parking space sometimes. Once you’re about a third of the way down Leith Walk, restrictions don’t apply.

Can I leave my car at Edinburgh Airport?

Customers can park in the Long Stay for a duration of 30 min free of charge. Please note: There are no shuttle buses running between the Terminal and the Long Stay car park….FREE drop-off and pick-up area.

Where is the free pick-up & drop-off zone? Long Stay car park
0-30 mins FREE
30 mins – 1 hour £12.00

How much is it to park in Edinburgh?

Cost and times of pay and display parking

Streets Prices from April 2022
New Town, Northumberland St to St Stephen St & Royal Cres £3.70 per hour
Bruntsfield, Sciennes, St Leonard’s, Dumbiedykes, Stockbridge & Dean £3.10 per hour
Extended Controlled Parking Zones (N1-N5 & S1-S4) £2.60 per hour
South Queensferry £0.90 per hour