What is a diastema?

A diastema is a space (gap) between two teeth, most often noticeable between the two front teeth. This condition usually occurs when there is a disproportionate relationship between the jaw and the size of the teeth, but can also be caused by alignment problems, protruding teeth, or over-sized tissue.

How do you fix widely spaced teeth?

How to fix gap in front teeth?

  1. Dental Bonding. Dental bonding is the quickest, easiest, and cheapest way to fix spacing in teeth.
  2. Veneers. If you’ve discolored and/or chipped teeth that also have gaps, veneers may be your best treatment option.
  3. Braces and Invisalign.

What causes diastema?

The most prevalent cause of a diastema is the size of the teeth relative to the size of the jawbone. Quite simply, if the teeth are too small for the mouth, gaps may appear between the teeth. The size of both the teeth and of the jaw are usually genetic, which is why diastema may appear to run in families.

What is the gap between front teeth called?

The technical term for a gap between your teeth is diastema. The gaps can be anywhere in your mouth, but they most commonly occur between the upper two incisors—your upper two front teeth.

Is diastema a defect?

For some people, a diastema is nothing more than a cosmetic issue and it doesn’t indicate a problem like gum disease. Braces are a common treatment for diastema. Braces have wires and brackets that put pressure on teeth and slowly move them together, which closes a gap.

How common is a diastema?

There are many different causes of diastema. Normal growth. A gap between the two front teeth is often a part of the normal development of children’s teeth. It’s estimated that about half of children aged 6 to 8 have gaps between their front teeth.

Can dentures be made with a gap?

A Denture Whether you have just one missing tooth or several it is possible for the dentist to create a denture to fill the gap or gaps.

How common is diastema?

Does a frenectomy hurt?

Not to worry, a labial frenectomy is a quick and pain-free procedure that is done in one visit. Two methods can be used including laser surgery and traditional surgery.

Why frenectomy is done?

A frenectomy is a surgery for removing frenum tissue, including the attachment to the underlying bone. The purpose of a tissue removal frenectomy is to correct unwanted tissues that are causing a dysfunctional frenum. Typically, a frenectomy suggests a small reduction of a frenum that is too short or tight.

Is diastema common in adults?

When the spacing between teeth is wider than 0.5 millimeters the dental term for this condition is diastema. The condition is common among both children and adults, however for children it is more common for the spacing to disappear once the adult teeth come in.