What episodes are Zuko in?

Avatar: The 12 Episodes Where Zuko Grows The Most, Ranked

  1. 1 “Sozin’s Comet” The Avatar the Last Airbender finale is quite eventful for Zuko.
  2. 2 “The Firebending Masters”
  3. 3 “The Western Air Temple”
  4. 4 “The Day Of Black Sun”
  5. 5 “The Avatar And The Fire Lord”
  6. 6 “The Beach”
  7. 7 “The Crossroads Of Destiny”
  8. 8 “The Earth King”

In which episode does Zuko join Aang?

Zuko pledging his loyalty to Aang. All I want now is to play my part in ending this war, and I know my destiny is to help you restore balance to the world. “The Western Air Temple” is the 12th episode of Book Three: Fire of Avatar: The Last Airbender and the 52nd of the overall series. It debuted on July 14, 2008.

Is Zuko in every episode of ATLA?

Counting the episodes where they do not have any lines, the most prominent characters of the show are Aang, Katara, and Sokka, who appear in every episode of the series except episode 27, “Zuko Alone” (although Aang’s spiritless body can be seen during the “Previously, on Avatar…” introduction).

What episode do we learn about Zuko’s past?

“The Storm” is the 12th episode of Book One: Water of Avatar: The Last Airbender and the 12th of the overall series. It debuted on June 3, 2005.

How old is Zuko Book 2?

Zuko. The exiled prince of the Fire Nation is 16-years-old throughout the entire series.

Does Katara kiss Zuko?

Zuko and Katara started out as enemies, but because of Zuko’s story arc and eventual close friendship with Katara, it seemed possible the two had a shot at love. Their kiss was an epic event! So many fans wanted them to have a happily forever after, but we know what happened with that.

Who did Prince Zuko marry?

MAI. Mai is Zuko’s most consistent romantic interest. One of Azula’s only friends, she accompanies Azula on her hunt for Zuko and Iroh. She eventually helps bring down the Earth Kingdom and, when Zuko is given the credit for Aang’s defeat, is able to fully enter a relationship with the restored prince.

What episode does Zuko go through his metamorphosis?

7 Lake Laogai His decision to free Appa and inhibit his desire to return to the Fire Nation as Prince Zuko made him undergo a “metamorphosis” in the following episode, which showcases just how significant the development in “Lake Laogai” is.

What does Zuko’s scar symbolize?

For not only does the scar represent Zuko’s banishment and all the implications that come with that but, it later comes to represent Zuko’s honor—the very thing Zuko thought he’d lost. Thus, Aang and Zuko’s markings are a constant reminder of who they are (or, who society says they are).

Who was Zuko’s wife?

Who is Zuko’s wife and Mother of Izumi | Fandom. Zukos wife is Mai.

How old is Zuko in Avatar The Last Airbender?

how old is everyone in Avatar The Last Airbender? Only five of the characters throughout the series have their age explicitly mentioned: Aang is 112 (though only 12 biologically), Zuko and Yue are 16, Toph is 12, and Tom-Tom (Mai’s brother) is 2. It is also mentioned that Mai is fifteen years older than her brother, which makes her 17.

Does Suki like Zuko?

Suki is a great character from The Last Airbender, but she’s also one of the more underrated ones. This is because she doesn’t get as much screen time or scenes as Team Avatar or villains like Zuko and Azula. While at times she helps Team Avatar, she’s cast as a love interest role for Sokka.

Is Zuko in Legend of Korra?

Zuko is alive at the time of ‘The Legend of Korra.’ He’s a wise and old master, riding a dragon mount. Notably, his mount is a descendant of the fire-bending dragons who trained Zuko and Aang. We learn that he’s had a daughter, Izumi, who’s now the Fire Lord. Izumi gave Zuko a grandson and granddaughter.

Why is Ozai evil?

In Avatar, Ozai is the ultimate villain because he is the purest, most concentrated form of the show’s central vice: Pride. There are far more devious and cunning villains in the show. General Zhao, Zuko’s chief rival, demonstrates an impressive aptitude for discovering the strategic weaknesses of his opponents.