What does inline mean in C++?
What does inline mean in C++?
C++ inline function is powerful concept that is commonly used with classes. If a function is inline, the compiler places a copy of the code of that function at each point where the function is called at compile time.
How do you declare an inline function in C++?
Inline function is a function that is expanded in line when it is called. When the inline function is called whole code of the inline function gets inserted or substituted at the point of inline function call. This substitution is performed by the C++ compiler at compile time.
What is inline function example?
Example. In the following class declaration, the Account constructor is an inline function. The member functions GetBalance , Deposit , and Withdraw aren’t specified as inline but can be implemented as inline functions. In the class declaration, the functions were declared without the inline keyword.
What is inline constructor in C++?
Defining the body of the constructor INSIDE the class has the same effect of placing the function OUTSIDE the class with the “inline” keyword. In both cases it’s a hint to the compiler. An “inline” function doesn’t necessarily mean the function will be inlined.
Where to put inline definitions in C++?
The C++ FAQ states: Best practice: only in the definition outside the class body. So who is right here? Show activity on this post. That sounds like two totally unrelated things. Putting inline at both the declaration in the class and the definition outside of the class is not needed.
How to declare an inline function in a class?
In the class declaration, the functions were declared without the inline keyword. The inline keyword can be specified in the class declaration; the result is the same. A given inline member function must be declared the same way in every compilation unit.
What is the difference between inline and force inline in C++?
The inline keyword is available only in C++. The __inline and __forceinline keywords are available in both C and C++. For compatibility with previous versions, _inline and _forceinline are synonyms for __inline, and __forceinline unless compiler option /Za (Disable language extensions) is specified.
Why can’t I inline a function in/CLR?
When compiling with /clr, the compiler won’t inline a function if there are security attributes applied to the function. The inline keyword is available only in C++.