What is sumatriptan 50 mg used for?

Sumatriptan is used to treat migraine or cluster headaches once the pain has started, but there are other medicines available that may help to reduce the number and frequency of attacks. Talk to your doctor about these.

How often can I take sumatriptan 50 mg?

Adults—25, 50, or 100 milligrams (mg) as a single dose. If you get some relief, or if the migraine comes back after being relieved, another dose may be taken 2 hours after the last dose. Do not take more than 200 mg in any 24-hour period.

What are side effects of sumatriptan?

Side Effects

  • Abdominal or stomach pain.
  • anxiety.
  • changes in patterns and rhythms of speech.
  • chest pain or tightness.
  • fast, slow, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse.
  • muscle cramps and stiffness.
  • neck, throat, or jaw pain.
  • nightmares.

Is sumatriptan 50mg a narcotic?

Sumatriptan is not a narcotic. It is a type of medication known as a ‘triptan’. These are selective serotonin receptor agonists (or 5HT agonists) — painkillers specifically used to relieve migraine attacks.

How safe is sumatriptan?

Sumatriptan has been associated with an increased risk of stroke, hemorrhage, or TIA; however, it is not clear whether this is due to the presence of migraine, or people mistaking stroke symptoms for those of a migraine. Do not take sumatriptan if you have previously had a stroke or TIA.

How long does sumatriptan 50mg stay in your system?

Sumatriptan is a short-acting medication with a half-life of around two hours. A sumatriptan dose will be completely cleared from the body in 10 hours.

Who should not take sumatriptan?

do not take sumatriptan if you are taking a monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) inhibitor such as isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), or tranylcypromine (Parnate) or if you have taken one of these medications in the past 2 weeks.

Why does my body hurt after taking sumatriptan?

These results suggest that mild vasoconstriction in peripheral skeletal muscle is associated with the action of sumatriptan and is likely to be the source of the side-effects experienced by some users.

Is sumatriptan like ibuprofen?

Advil (ibuprofen) Treats migraine headaches. Treximet (sumatriptan / naproxen) treats migraines as they’re happening, but you might need another medication to prevent migraine headaches if you get them regularly. Relieves pain, fever, and swelling.