Can you metal detect in state parks in NY?

Metal Detecting Laws For New York Metal detecting is allowed in both state parks and in parks in the city of New York itself. However, in both cases, you will need to get a permit. State permits cost $40 and are easy to apply.

Do you need a permit to metal detect in NY?

Metal Detecting activity on Parks’ property requires a valid permit from Parks. All recovered Significant Objects must be reported to the Urban Park Service (212)360-2778 within 48 hours of finding.

Can I metal detect in my local park?

Local Public Parks Generally, most neighborhood parks don’t require permission to metal detect them, but some cities don’t allow it, or a permit might be required, which is easily obtained at your local parks and recreation office for a couple of bucks.

Can you metal detect on NYC beaches?

You need a permit to use a metal detector in designated parks or beaches. Metal Detecting is restricted to the open fields and rough lawn areas in specific parks throughout the City.

Where can I get permission to metal detect?

If you have found a public footpath you think could be a good place to metal detect then you will need to find the land owner to ask for permission. Footpaths are a great place to metal detect though, as for many years people have been walking up and down them and perhaps taking their dogs for walks along them.

Do you need Licence for metal detector?

Do you need a license to use a metal detector? No, the Home Office scrapped licenses in 1980. However it is now required on some beaches that a permit be obtained.

Can you metal detect on river banks?

The answer to our original question is yes, you can metal detect in rivers, and you absolutely should! It’s an excellent place to go metal detecting, especially in June and July. If you want to explore some rivers, you of course need to get a waterproof metal detector.

Where can I metal detect coins?

However, the best places to find old coins with a metal detector could fall into any of the following mentioned below:

  1. Parks and Picnic Sites. Old picnic spots and parks can be a good first spot to start your search.
  2. Old Houses.
  3. Churches.
  4. School Grounds.
  5. Beaches or Waterways.
  6. Sidewalks.
  7. Places You Wouldn’t Suspect​

Can you metal detect around a church?

Churches – Usually Older is Better. Some churches, depending on who owns them and what kind of church they are, will let you metal detect on their land if you get permission beforehand.

Are there any metal detecting stores in New York City?

There does not seem to be a lot of stores specifically dedicated for metal detecting within New York. Unfortunately, I could only find one store in Bellmore! Other than that, many people who are very invested in the hobby recommend general hardware stores like Home Depot for detecting accessories. Are there detector distributors in there?

Can You metal detect in New York State Parks?

For metal detecting in New York, town, village and city parks, you’ll need to check with those local officials. For metal detecting in New York State parks and their beaches, you need to check with each parks division. Special permitts are needed if you plan to detect any areas outside of the beaches.

Where can I metal detect in Florida?

Fishing Areas can be a good place for metal detecting. Fishing Areas tend to have a lot of foot traffic, but there may also be a high volume of dropped items like old fishing gear or old pocket knives which make good finds.

Where can I metal detect in the UK?

Old Sawmills are a great place to metal detect. Old sawmills usually contain old coins, jewelry, and other valuable items like buttons or belt buckles. Old Saw Mills are generally owned by the local council so you will need to get permission first before you can go metal detecting on one of them.