What is the strongest slug in SlugTerra?

Guardian Slugs
The most powerful of Slugs can become Guardian Slugs, a position that almost all Slugs wish to achieve.

What is the weakest slug in SlugTerra?

Floppers are the weakest type of Slugs. Their element is unknown. They are very lazy. They can shoot a trail of smoke behind them like a Flatulorhinkus, and on contact, Floppers produce a splat of slime.

What is the rarest slug in SlugTerra?

Rarity Chart

Rarity Slugs Ghouls
One-of-a-kind • • • • • The Universal Slug
Ultra Rare • • • • • • • • Cryscada • Gorgemelter •
Extremely Rare • • • • Vexlet • • Ghoul Geoshard
Rare • • • • • • • • Doomspiker • Hoverblade • • Megabreaker • • Transplitter • Disastiped

What is the most common slug in SlugTerra?

Common Slugs

  • Fandango.
  • Armashelt.
  • Flopper.
  • Tazerling.

Who is the strongest guardian slug?


  • Most slugs aspire to become guardians.
  • When slugs become guardians they gain new markings to show their new status.
  • Guardians can live for several years (centuries) making them the second oldest slugs after The Elementals.
  • It only takes 4 elementals to power a gate, because they are the most powerful slugs.

Is Burpy a rare slug?

Ultra rare fire slugs, Infurnus are extremely rare and powerful fiery types. A famous Infurnus is Burpy, who belongs to Eli Shane.

What slugs does the unbeatable master have?

Meet the two powerful slugs of the Unbeatable Master, Shanai. On the left is Ping, a white Boon Doc slug. On the right is Yang, a Negashade slug. Ping and Yang were the first slugs Eli ever saw do a fusion move!

Who is the most powerful slug slinger?

Eli is skilled in slug slinging, becoming one of the strongest slug slingers of all Slugterra. He has lasted longer than most people against people that are much stronger than him, such as Dr. Blakk. He has a vast amount of knowledge about Slugs and as his bonds grow stronger with them, his Slugs get stronger too.

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