What is a 4 point grid reference?

In a four-figure grid reference, four-figure or four digits are used to locate something on a map. In every map there are both horizontal lines which are easting and vertical line, i.e, northing crosses each other and create a grid square.

What is a 4 figure reference?

A 4-figure grid reference contains 4 numbers. For example, you might be given the number 3422. The first two numbers are called the easting, which is the number you would look for at the bottom of the map.

What is a grid reference ks3?

A grid of squares helps the map-reader to locate a place. The vertical lines are called eastings. They are numbered – the numbers increase to the east. The horizontal lines are called northings as the numbers increase in an northerly direction.

How do you teach grid references?

In a grid reference, we give the eastings first and then the northings. That means that when you find your point on the map, you must go along to the east first and then move up second. Some people remember the order by saying ‘along the corridor and up the stairs’!

What is a grid reference example?

National Grid reference numbers four-figure grid reference, such as ’19 45′, indicates a 1 km by 1 km square on the map; and. six-figure grid reference, such as ‘192 454’, indicates a 100 m by 100 m square on the map.

How do you read a grid reference ks2?

A grid reference tells you where something is on a map. There are two parts to a grid reference: The 1st letter or number tells you how far across the map something is. The 2nd letter or number tells you how far up the map something is.

What is a grid reference ks2?

A grid reference allows someone to mark a place on a map by referring to vertical and horizontal lines called ‘eastings’ and ‘northings’. The further East the ‘eastings’ are, the higher the number – the same applies for ‘northings’.

How do I find a four figure grid reference?

Four figure grid references locate a grid square (usually 1 km square) on a map. Rollover image > The four figure grid reference is always given for the bottom left hand corner of the square (the South West corner) and you always write the Eastings before the Northings [Hint: Along the corridor and up the stairs].

What is a 6 figure grid reference?

6-Figure Grid Reference. A 6-figure grid reference contains 6 numbers which gives us an even more precise location inside the box given by the 4-figure number. Inside each box, imagine 10 tick marks along the eastings and 10 tick marks along the northings. These marks are generally not provided on maps.

How many figure grid references should a student use?

The resources are vibrant, interesting and have fun activities. Students must be able to use 4 figure grid references before they use OS maps & 6-figure grid references. • What are grid references?

What is a grid reference?

He has taught high school chemistry and physics for 14 years. Grid references are points on a map that are used to find a location anywhere in the world. Study the 4-figure and 6-figure grid reference, and an example of how the grid system works. Updated: 01/07/2022