Should I oversize my protein skimmer?

If you feed your tank heavily, then choosing a skimmer that is considered oversized for your tank will offer the most performance. On the flip side of that, if you tend to be a light feeder, then choosing an oversized skimmer will usually result in less than desirable results.

Why is my skimmer bubbling?

When skimmers do not work the most common problem is a lack of air. If air is being properly mixed with the water your skimmer should be producing bubbles. If your skimmer is producing bubbles then chances are there is nothing wrong with your skimmer. It may just need to break in, be cleaned, or be readjusted.

How do I adjust my Eshopps protein skimmer?

How do you adjust the Eshopps In-Sump Nano Protein Skimmer? The magnetic mount allows you to move the skimmer up or down vertically in the water column, this controls the water level inside the skimmer. The included Sicce pump also has a flow adjustment which can help you dial in the air/flow ratio.

How often should a protein skimmer fill up?

We recommend cleaning the collection cup of your skimmer at least 2 times per week and more often for tanks that are producing a lot of waste.

What size protein skimmer do I need?

I generally recommend skimmers based on the rated air intake capacity rather than the manufacturer specified tank size. Of course, you can always opt for more, but if matching the skimmer to the water volume of the tank I usually suggest about a 1:1 ratio of air draw to gallons of tank volume.

How do you stop microbubbles skimmer?

Always check the manufacturer’s recommendation for water depth and stick to it as this will help reduce microbubbles. If needed, an upside down tupperware container or other plastic container works great as a makeshift stand to raise up a skimmer and ensure that it is running at the proper water depth.

How do you set up the Eshopps Nano protein skimmer?

Start with Sicce pump at the highest flow setting. Move the entire skimmer body up or down so the top of the foam head is just under the bottom of the collection cup. If your skimmer starts to over foam within 24 hours, just raise the entire skimmer body for a lower internal water level.

Can I turn my protein skimmer off at night?

Skimmers work best at night in my experience. Your pH would drop a little bit more during the night also if you turned it off. Skimmers work best at night in my experience.

How to fix a protein skimmer that overflows?

Turn off the skimmer for a few hours after the water changes If the problem remains after two weeks or becomes severe, then perform the following elimination procedure. The goal is to rid the water of whatever is making your protein skimmer overflow. The process takes 1-3 hours but should resolve the overflowing foam in 1 day.

Which Comline DOC protein skimmer should I buy?

My Tunze is the Comline DOC DC Protein Skimmer 9004. I greatly prefer the DC models. The adjustability afforded by the DC setup is just heads and tails above the AC option.

What is a protein skimmer in a reef tank?

The primary purpose of a protein skimmer in a reef aquarium is to remove protein and other organic waste material from the water column. Another great benefit is that the skimming process heavily oxygenates the water in the skimmer that is returned into the reef tank – improving the gas exchange.

Why is my protein skimmer producing microbubbles?

There are several reasons why a protein skimmer will create bubbles/microbubbles in your reef tank. It is typical for skimmers to produce microbubbles during the break-in period. This can last 2-4 weeks. Having your skimmer too deep in the sump will affect the skimmer performance and produce microbubbles.